lørdag 1. september 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 9/1/12 ‘It is Time to Weed Our Garden’ - As channeled through Greg Giles

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 9/1/12 ‘It is Time to Weed Our Garden’ As channeled through Greg Giles

"Pooling of collective thoughts is how we communicate with our channel and with all of those we send our messages to in this manner. We apply this method, for it is the most efficient means to convey our messages to those of your world. Try to think of it as a flow of electricity, and the more powerful this surge in power, the stronger the signal that reaches the intended destination, in this case our channel Greg. We communicate this way as is it is the most efficient means of communication. There are other methods of communication and this is but one of them, as we also communicate with each other in the higher realms through technological means, and telepathy is not the only method of communication.

When those of you who are to travel to the higher realms do so in the days ahead and the not too distant future beyond, we will demonstrate for you our communication techniques, and all of you making this journey will learn to use all of the tools and technologies that we use. There will be many learning processes for you, and the means in which we choose to communicate is just one area of many areas where you will receive instruction. Let us take a brief tour of some of these technologies you will be taught to use once you leave your current reality and begin with a fresh start.

We like to use tools and technologies for just about everything it is that we do here. We do not care for manual labor, and we do not spend much time, if any, working with our hands when tools and technology can be used instead. This does not mean that we do not participate in arts and crafts and things of this nature where our God-given hands are used as tools to say, paint and sculpt or play a musical instrument. This is certainly what we do not mean by saying we utilize tools and technologies to replace our hands in certain cases. What we are speaking about here is applying tools and technology to replace chores, toils and manual labor that a higher dimensional beings may not wish to do, chores that may have to be done nonetheless. So we have devised for ourselves a large array of tools to do this work for us.

This does not mean these tools are on automatic pilot, as in many cases these tools must be operated by a consciousness structure, such as the thought from a being or a collective of beings. Looking at this from your perspective, we would say this approach would be akin to your thoughts that manifest your reality, but here our thoughts can manifest and operate certain tools that can be used to manipulate objects, to lift objects, to move objects, to resize, reshape and re-sculpt objects, to color objects, to change the weight of objects. Yes, our minds can be used as these tools to complete these tasks. Does this paint a clearer picture for you of what we mean when we say our consciousness or collective consciousness can be used as a tool to change our reality?"

Ascension Earth 2012

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