fredag 28. september 2012

Zero Point, Divine Counterparts, Kundalini and the Magic of NOW

Som alltid når Lisa Gawlas skriver noe, vil jeg si;  Les og lær.

Zero Point, Divine Counterparts, Kundalini and the Magic of NOW!

"It seems these last several days within readings as well as my own meditation, spirit seemed to be baking us a cake (we being the ingredients needed) and yesterday, it felt like the icing on the cake with understanding.  The synchronicitic  back to back flow of information unfolding is like nothing I can remember experiencing before.  There seems to be an adamancy thru each of our own higher selves, and life itself, for us to really understand not only this profound moment in time/shift we are in, but how to utilize the change in fullness!  Of course, just typing that sentence out really says, we already know (from the soul mind) now all we have to do is remember that we know!

I am going to do my very best to take all the information that has been given to us over the last couple months and with the topping of understanding yesterday, I think we have a full story now.

From the very beginning of this year, higher and higher energies have been released to earth.  Each time, we have been guided to release more and more of our past story and fill with the new, to stay centered on the new and expand there.  We were guided to use these new higher energies in ways we never have before, even letting go of the skill set (more or less) that has gotten us to here so beautifully.  The more applied that, the more natural the energy was within us.  The internal assimilation was grounding in the new higher energies into our biology and the biology of earth.  We were given consistent opportunities to move from humans becoming to humans arrived.  Many are still in the mode of becoming and that is the beauty of this game on earth, it’s happening in waves, in the end, no soul will ever be left behind.  Imagine it is a doorway… the Shift and souls are lined up as far as the eye can see, each one arriving thru the door on (their) schedule perfectly. The good news and kinda the not so good news, is the lines movement has sped up.  So the assimilation process has quickened too.  The slow gentle stroll towards the doorway of the Shift is now rapid, be sure to keep up!!

Concentrated Energy vs Expanded Energy:

If we can think of the big bang theory here.  The universe started out by being a tiny little condensed ball of energy the size of a pea and then exploded into expansion, move out further and further into the multi-verses, constantly creating along the way.  The further away it move from its original source, the more time and space mattered.  Everything that was created in the far reaches of expanded energy had long long periods of time to play and experience “that.”

If we can look just at our karmic return, it used to be several lifetimes wide.  Then it was a lifetime wise, now (depending on where you are in the timelines of your consciousness) it is becoming instant.  This is because everything has reversed direction… hence… The Shift.

Instead of energy expanding outwards, it is now returning to its source.  It is becoming a concentrated version of itself.  If you can think of laundry detergent, not to long ago we needed to use a full cup and a half to do a load of laundry, over the years, they found a way to concentrate it and now we use a quarter cup to achieve the same results.  This too has happened within the field of energy, of us!

But, like the air in our lungs, there must be a release, a shift in direction.  So for eons of time we have been taking in one large inhale.  Moving energy into us, assimilating, using the higher octaves of frequency and grounding it into the Life.   Letting go of all the emotional ties to any aspect of the past and finding neutral with any aspect of the future which would put you in zero point.

Zero Point

The place where all the energy has returned to source.  In this version of the game however, source is no longer a single space in the multi-verses, it is within Life itself.  Each human on earth must find their own zero point within, for You are the source in which the expansion will return.

All energy is a series of sound frequencies.  If there is sound, there are waves being emitted from the frequency itself.  The slower the frequency, the deeper the sound… like a deep deep bass sound.  The faster it moves, the higher the pitch of the frequency.

So many of us have been dealing with ringing in the ears for a very long time.  Mine started with the birth of my last child in 1990 and has never ceased since then.  The range of ringing in my ears have varied over the decades, on occasion becoming a super high-pitched frequency, little did I ever understand it was the sound of evolution within and around me/us.  It is where rapid expansion started within my own biology and I have been hearing it ever since (as many of us have!!)

Whats funny, is after a year of constant ringing in my ears, I went to an ears, nose and throat doctor and they ran a series of tests on me and told me I was perfectly fine, there was no reason for me to be hearing the constant ringing.  Wanna bet???

So this year, 2012, has served as a massive gateway for all of humanity (yes those on other planets too, but I wanna stick to our story.)  A choice of moving from the elongated expansion of karma and time to fully clearing your internal and external Self and hitting that place of zero point so that the full on concentration of energy can become.  This full on process started in earnest with the Solar Eclipse of May 20th, 2012.  No matter what choice you made or didn’t make, everything accelerated on earth.  Those still dealing (and not freeing) their stuff, it is becoming so intense it could almost feel deafening!

These last couple weeks is where the shift really started to become real.  No longer are we (those have done the work) taking in the energy, instead, we are the source of releasing the energy.  Super concentrated energy that comes from within us.  Each and every day, we are creating our own real life version of the big bang theory.  You have an emotional thought, whomp there it is in your created reality.  Your life stage is the multi-verse of creation.

Even the energy system of the human has evolved.  I have been seeing this over the last 7 years, but until today, didn’t fully realize what it had meant to us.  For many people, the chakra system still looks and feels like the old chakra system I was accustomed to seeing.  For those who have done their inner work, raised their biological frequency, the energy system looks nothing like it once did… at all.  Here is one of the best pictures I can find that shows how I see us:"  forts.

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