lørdag 15. september 2012

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

FANTASTIC! Our friends at InLight Radio have produced their own Disclosure video: I Know My Galactic Family Is Here~~Do YOU?
Sheldan and I are so excited about this movement to disclose the truth about our Galactic Families~~that they are here and they are benevolent Beings.
Now the InLight Radio team needs our help. We, the Starseeds and Lightworkers have the ability to make this video go viral. Share it on all your social media networks and email lists.
The InLight Radio team produced this fantastic video, now it is up to us to distribute it. Many ask me, how can I help. This is one way you can help. Let's make YouTube history! DISTRIBUTE! DISTRIBUTE! DISTRIBUTE!
(Sirian for "Heartfelt Gratitude")

I Know My Galactic Family Is Here~~Do You?

This video has been produced and released for you to share with all your family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues - and the world - to let them know that our Galactic family is here.
For too long, our governments, military leaders, religious leaders and the mainstream media have hidden the truth of our galactic history and the real presence of our star brothers and sisters from us. Not any more! Our Galactic family is here - and has been since the beginning of time. They come in peace, love and friendship to help us fix our planet and create the world we all deserve - a world of peace, pristine environments, equality on every level (racial, financial, sexual) and, importantly, love.
This video features the InLight Radio on-air team - Graham Dewyea, Steve Beckow, Geoffrey West, Linda Dillon, Dave Schmidt, Sierra Neblina and Stephen Cook - as they share their personal disclosure stories and ask you to share this video with everyone you know via your social media and online resources. We know our Galactic family is here - do you?
You can find out more about InLIght Radio

Sheldan Nidle Updates

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