fredag 14. september 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 9/13/12 ‘Passion for All Things Great or Small’ - As channeled through Greg Giles

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 9/13/12 ‘Passion for All Things Great or Small’ - As channeled through Greg Giles
"Zooming towards a new day are those among you who have found the keys that will unlock the door before you. It is this key that has been hidden for many long eons of time, but it could not be hidden forever as there were many of you who searched for it, who searched deep within and searched deep without and sooner or later there were those of you who would discover its resting place, where it has hidden for so very long. We say to those of you who have discovered this key that it is yours now, it is no one else's, and no one could ever take it away from you. You have found it because you have earned it. There is no other way.

There are none that are lucky or none that are fortunate, none that are rich or none that possess power or influence that have found a way to steal this key, to pilfer this key, no. There is only one way to find this key and that is through the doorway which you have walked. This doorway is the doorway that many of your brothers and sisters have walked through in times past, and is the doorway that many of your brothers and sisters will continue to walk through behind you for so many long years after you have swept through its entranceway. This doorway is the doorway that leads through the heart. It is through this entranceway that many of your world refer to as the heart chakra. This is the secret doorway. This is the hidden passageway that is the magical tunnel that will take you to a realm beyond your current illusion, to a realm that is breathtakingly far removed from your current surroundings.

It is not just a new start for you with some new technologies and even some new friends and a new career and a new home, no. When we describe for you that you will be exiting one reality and entering a new reality what visions are conjured up in your minds? What is it you picture, what is it you are imagining and dreaming, thus creating? For this will be the realm of your new home. It will be as beautiful and no more beautiful as you can imagine. This is the only limit to your new creation. It is your fervent imagination, it is your unlimited vision, scope and dream that are the new parameters, the new borders, if you will, of your new home.

Here in the place that you call home now is limited in so many ways. It is limited in size, it is limited in beauty, it is limited in freedoms and limited in its prosperity and its reward and in a way its value, although its value can also be perceived as priceless, for if it wasn't for this home that you created for yourself today, you could not have created for yourself your home of tomorrow. We wish you to always remember this, for there is beauty and value and reward in all things, even in suffering. In suffering comes the clay for which your hands that are tired and worn and wrinkled and scarred can model. You cannot model without this clay, you cannot sculpt without this clay, but you cannot also possess this clay until you learn how to model and shape and sculpt.

Do you see we could not have given you this modeling clay, this creational gift, until you have shown that you have learned what to do with it, how to use it and how to use it fairly and responsibly, honoring the boundaries of all other beings within this universe and this goes for far more than other sentient beings? In other words, other beings that clearly demonstrate an intelligence and a physical vessel, for there are far many more beings in this universe than this. There are also many non sentient beings. There are beings who exist only in consciousness, and you must respect and honor their rights and their wills and their boundaries as well." forts.

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