onsdag 5. september 2012

"Together with the Twelve of us, you make Thirteen"

Channeled:   Sharon McErlane

"This is the Net of Light that will hold the earth during the times of change that are upon you.  The time is now and women must lead.  It can be no other way."  The Great Council of the Grandmothers  are calling us to step into our power.

All  are welcome to this work. There is no charge for the Grandmothers' Empowerment.

http://www.grandmothersspeak.com (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XgkvkxwKUcMdJl_nfwNYZX00vzVsWivJdya0UBXKDcDOsdj6Ft_pQCBR9oT_L1xbyKi-DqwDS6Ll5KQWRiaWxPX9FIkn6p7eaZc0W-k2Dy-By8E4S9B7NO4pZUZC4rqi)

Many times over the past few months  the Grandmothers said to me, "This is the end of an era."  And though I didn't really understand what they meant, I had grown accustomed to hearing them say it.  But now they have begun to explain themselves.

"This is the end of an era-the beginning of a new era," they said, "and in all periods of transition (like this one) there will be moments of confusion, disagreements with one another, fears, etc.  Growing pains.  Expect this," they said. "Expect it in yourself and expect it in others.  Do not be concerned when disharmony rears its head.  At times like these, it will ," they shrugged and smiled. "So much is changing now that the mind becomes uncomfortable, and when your mind is uncomfortable, you revert back to the yang-based patterns you were taught.  Then the judgments flare," they laughed,  the power struggles ensue, fears, angers, a need to 'control' others, to 'control' situations, and to 'control' your own feelings--all of these come up," they said and laughing, threw up their hands.  "None of them are pleasant, but during times of transition they show themselves.  So as you move through these changing times," they said, "be easy on yourself and easy on one another.  You are at the beginning of something new.  You are learning a new way of being. 

"You will find that you will be working less in the yang modes you are accustomed to," they said.  "For example, you will not be planning and working so hard to get from point 'a' to point 'b' the way you have in the past, but will instead spend more time experiencing the whole and your place in it.  Instead of traveling toward a goal 'out there,' you will instead voyage deeper into yourself.

"Your mother's mother's mother knew how to do this," they said.  "Your ancestors from long ago related to the whole of life.  They knew the power of the Feminine Principle and because you carry their DNA in your body, this wisdom, this way of being is already within you.  Call on it," they said.  "Call it up.  Invite your ancestors in.  As the yang-based habits and the decaying institutions on our planet begin to crumble, look up.  A Breeze is stirring.  Feel the sun on your wings.

"And call on us, the Grand Mothers," they said, smiling benignly.  "Together with the twelve of us, you make thirteen.  You are the thirteenth one," they said and beckoned to me, "so take your place with us.  You are not separate from the Divine.  Over and over again you will take your place in the circle with us--both men and women will do this," they said.

"Come sit with us.  Sit and share our teachings, and as you do, all sense of separation, all the old thoughts of 'them vs. me' or 'I am alone/no one understands me' will dissolve into Oneness.  Our teachings will protect and guide you as this work begins to live inside you.  We promise that once you get a glimpse of the greathearted one you are, you will never miss your old yang-based perceptions of yourself and others.  Instead," they laughed as they swung their skirts from side to side, "you will be free.  You will live each day in the One Love."  

http://www.grandmothersspeak.com (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XgkvkxwKUcMdJl_nfwNYZX00vzVsWivJdya0UBXKDcDOsdj6Ft_pQCBR9oT_L1xbyKi-DqwDS6Ll5KQWRiaWxPX9FIkn6p7eaZc0W-k2Dy-By8E4S9B7NO4pZUZC4rqi)
"The Greatest Use You Can Make of Our Message Is to Live it."

"The Grandmothers ask us to receive their Empowerment, share their message, and learn the ways of Yin. "Pass this on to those who don't have it," they say; " and become a Walking Blessing upon the earth."  The Grandmothers are practical and wise and so they've given us two books, A Call to Power: the Grandmothers Speak and  Our Love Is Our Power so we can begin to live their message.  They ask us to practice their teachings and work with the Net of Light, to come together and share this wisdom with one another. They ask us to offer their message, not for money, but for love--as service.  "The present imbalance of energy on earth has placed all life in danger," they declare.  "It is time to return to balance, and for this, women must lead."

To order the Grandmothers' books, go to: http://grandmothersspeak.com/onlinestore.php (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XgkvkxwKUcM0OjcRYkpSo8oaHzNRGGNdwn1dR1HKAAhWWIY-oEsSYR4SEftseeZkIDjBm1UzDOZ3MiFJKuqti9gRDTBVFnfc_CV7aBYsZVQaCxxwWosXuwatHe23nYMw2T1PprbyNAY=

"Once you've read the first book and want to start a Grandmothers' group or study circle in your area, contact us at:info@grandmothersspeak.com (mailto:info@grandmothersspeak.com).  This will give you great joy and your grandmother/sisters around the world will help you get started." 

~ I am Not a Typical Man ~

"I am not a typical man. I have long felt a horrible imbalance of yang energy in this world,  and I have been a huge proponent of the empowerment of women and girls.
I have always felt that God must be far more feminine than masculine, and in fact value the yin aspect of myself greatly. I have been married since 1982 and have helped raise five boys. I am a 54 year old registered nurse and in-home care giver for a small company.

I am only half way through "A Call to Power",  but I am very interested in the concept of and the feeling for "The Net of Light."  

I do believe that women need to lead the way, and become fully empowered themselves. I also believe with all my heart that womens' ways and a feminine principle is exactly what the world needs. I will continue to support women in politics, and will continue to voice my support for female empowerment, especially where I perceive an imbalance or where I meet a woman or girl selling herself short. I will finish the book tonight I hope!

I wish to clarify that while I strenuously support women in politics, and advocate for the empowerment of women, I fervently hope and pray for a world strongly influenced and governed by yin, feminine management style and power, not a world where women merely manage and govern through yang/masculine ways. I must also confess that although I feel that the world is hugely out of balance toward the yang, I feel that the pendulum must swing well past the half-way point toward the feminine. Everything in the universe is not necessarily balanced nor equal, although balance or equilibrium as a whole must inevitably prevail. Perhaps all sentient people are of equal value, but I feel that the female is the better half, so to speak. I do not undervalue men or myself; I merely feel that man is a subset of sorts of the woman. I believe that female is the more complete form, and should be the measure and standard for humanity. I guess I am a radical feminist? 

Anyway, I do hope to continue my learning, and would love to be involved with a Grandmothers' group. I would be honored to serve humanity in a more expansive fashion under the tutelage and guidance of wise women, and I would especially value developing, encouraging and strengthening the yin in me. Thank you for the contact."
MW Lucas

Hold the Net of Light for the Gathering in Belgium

"For time out of mind Belgium has served as perhaps the primary battleground area for the wars in Europe --from ancient times right on through the First and Second World Wars.  Waves and waves of people from across the world have suffered and died there and so we ask you now to please hold the Net of Light steady for the Gathering of the Grandmothers that will take place in Tielrode, Belgium, Sept. 14 & 15. 

Many are coming to this Gathering from Belgium and Holland, as well as from other countries in Europe, from Australia, and from the U.S.  We will work with the ancestors at this Gathering and amplify the power of the Net of Light to restore this area of the world and the millions who are connected to it.  The Grandmothers say that the potential for healing at this Gathering is very great and the good that will be done there will radiate over the earth.  So please hold everyone involved in this event in the radiant Net of Light.  Start now, and then magnify the power of the Net on Sept 14 and 15.  We thank you for standing with us."  

For more information on the Belgian Gathering of the Grandmothers, see our website.  grandmothersspeak.com (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XgkvkxwKUcOeAaWuhCPHlEg3ScAxgUW5GWJE2SqlJvirl9DLxXAIglbyZW5o-mlmhe6kpbZufggl2cC2E-nmmNmNhcwfpNc4LuLPX3yLTzGsJahy6VnVSQ==)

Internettside:   Grandmothers Speak

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