mandag 24. september 2012

SaLuSa 24-September-2012

"The worldwide movement to bring about peace is gaining in support, and is helping awake others of the need to no longer tolerate the lack of compliance with your demands. Success will be yours but maybe not quite in the way you would have expected. We will certainly have a hand in it, and are allowed to assist where the Lightworkers are concerned. The main focus for the time being are the governmental changes that are needed to put the right people in charge of your future. Once one country has removed those who are not working for the people, the demand for changes elsewhere will escalate. There will be no stopping the energy from bringing down the dark Ones, and in general terms they know that their time is up.

On the one hand the world would seem to be in a hopeless mess, but beneath it all you are birthing the New Age and it waits to replace the old one. The old status quo cannot be maintained anymore as its very structure is falling down. No amount of effort or money can keep it intact, and many reputations will go down with it. Already legal actions are poised to bring more well known names out for their criminal activities. Some of the biggest culprits are still able to hide behind others who have done their dirty work for them. However, in the final reckoning no one will be able to avoid justice, or having to answer to the higher authorities. They are all known to us and their every deeds are held in the akashic records.

The every thought and deed of all souls is automatically known, but is not for viewing without permission. However, it is used when you pass over to the higher realms, when you review your life and decide what you need to carry forward for further experiences. To some life seems pointless, but in fact each one of you knew what was planned before you incarnated. So it follows that you are well advised to make the most of whatever challenges you get. Try not to be too hard on yourselves when you make mistakes, as you are not expected to be perfect. You are involved in trial and error to overcome your shortcomings, and move further along your journey of evolution. Every soul is involved, and many of you come together purposefully to help each other succeed.

Naturally this lifetime is somewhat different to previous ones, as you are attempting to clear old issues that have been holding you back. It is clearly a very important time, and one in which you are being given every help to prepare for Ascension. We would like to see as many souls as possible ascend and move off the wheel of re-birth. Having done so your future will be  totally in your own hands, and you will have the choice of what you would like to do next. It even extends to how long you stay in any one body, and remember that in the higher dimensions it does not age and die as you experience now. The thought of such freedom should be enough to spur you on to achieve whatever is necessary to rise up above the lower vibrations." forts.

Galactic Channelings - English

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