mandag 10. september 2012

SaLuSa 10-September-2012

"Bear in mind that the events that have been unwinding are directly for your benefit. As much as you learn through the various sources of information, the truth is difficult to convey in a way that you will fully understand, without being backed with firm evidence. That will come after those who block such information are removed, and we will do it such a way that you are left without any doubts as to the truth. However, whatever course events follow the main focus will remain upon you who are preparing to ascend. We are pleased to see that people are now speaking more freely amongst themselves about Ascension and what it means for your civilization. After all it will affect every single soul regardless of whether they have any foreknowledge of what is about to take place. Simply put, you either stay in your present level of vibration, or it is sufficiently raised to enable you to ascend with Mother Earth.

There is no question of souls being chosen for Ascension, as it is a state of being that you achieve yourselves. If you are ready you cannot do anything else but rise up as the higher vibrations take hold. Obviously it means that you will find yourselves with those souls who are very much like you, and ready to participate in creating a new environment fit for a civilization that works with Light and Love. We will by then have been able to openly work with you and we will progress together, and build a society that is based upon harmony and balance in all things. Until you are lifted up out of the lower vibrations, you will always find it difficult to create and hold on to your vision of the New Age.

We share your frustration where delays are experienced, and are preventing you from being aware of what is happening behind the scenes. However, it is not always wise to reveal too much where our activities are concerned, but be assured we are constantly working to bring about completion. The projects involved are quite challenging and involve a tremendous amount of co-operation, and we must thank our allies for what they have achieved in extremely difficult circumstances. The objective has always been to involve you in the changes, as it was never intended that we should do it all for you. Together we will proceed to create the conditions that allow for Disclosure, but be prepared for it to come out in a series of revelations." forts.

Galactic Channelings - English

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