mandag 6. februar 2012

SaLuSa 6-February - 2012

SaLuSa understreker hver enkelts ansvar hva angår alt som skjer.  Det er lett å gi fra seg dette ansvaret.   Alt er tilrettelagt for at vi skal kunne være sammen, det skjer når vi er klare.  Det er tross alt våre framtidige selv vi snakker om!  Vi må bare bli helt synkrone slik at vi har én samlet intensjon - og ikke en hver.  Vi har evigheten å ta av.

SaLuSa  6-February-2012
"Naturally we need to be aware of what Michael is doing, and have been following the events associated with the trip to Neptune. What we must however stress is that we have our own responsibilities, and would never interfere with the mission of another, in the same manner that we would not interfere with experiences that are your own creation. Look at it this way Dear Ones, it is no one else's place to deny you the experiences you need to advance your evolution.
On this subject, please remember that the Galactic Federation has quite clearly informed you that in the course of time, many "tourist" trips aboard our craft will be arranged. So there is no need to rush yourselves to be part of the first trips of this nature, there will be plenty of time to enjoy them once we are openly allowed to contact you. Some of our Motherships are like enormous cities, and will have no difficulty in dealing with the large numbers of you that would jump to the opportunity to visit one. It will all be part of our intention to bring us closer together, and dispel any fears about us that may still remain. It allows us to give you a look at what advanced technologies will do for you in the very near future. After all, we are your future selves, and you will need to quickly bridge the gap brought about by the deliberate suppression of technologies that would have long ago launched you into the 21st. Century."   forts.

SaLuSa  6 - February - 2012
Channeler:  Mike Quinsey

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