tirsdag 28. februar 2012


"It is I, Kepier, have obtained clearance to send you some information that will address why you are feeling so VERY tired. When I say “you,” I mean the many awakened ones on the body of Gaia. You see, there are huge decisions being made at very higher levels of your world at this time. These decisions are greatly altering the energetic signature of planet Earth. For those of you who have merged with planet Earth, these energetic changes are greatly influencing your earth vessel. The simplest way to describe what is happening is that Earth’s changing energetic signature is altering and re-booting the genetic codes of your earth vessel. Actually, the DNA genetic codes from your 3% human genome are gradually being shut-off, and the codes of the 97% of your DNA known as “Junk DNA” is taking over your physical system.

During this shift from the limited experience of ONLY the third and some fourth dimensional worlds into the full multidimensional experiences of reality, you will likely experience fatigue. As you know, when you change the operating system in your computer, the machine is of little use to you. In the same manner, when you are shifting your Operating Codes from third/fourth dimensional to multidimensional, it is difficult for you to do too much of anything. We Galactics who are assisting with this procedure, know that many of you still need to “play the 3D Game” for the sake of your families and employers. However, those of you who have the freedom to “take off some time” (we love that expression for time is an illusion) we highly recommend that you do so.

If you need to have a great deal of outward focus, it will slow your process of downloading and integrating your new Operating System. However, if it is necessary to still “play the Game,” your process will still continue, but at a slower rate. Since there is no time in our reality, we (I speak for all Galactics) support your decision to allow this transmutation of SELF to occur in whichever way best suits your earth vessel and physical responsibilities. Many Wayshowers are feeling the greatest exhaustion, as they must go through this experience first, and relatively quickly, so that they can assist others. We wish you all to know that your transmutation is a marvelous event, which you have awaited for myriad incarnations on the body of Gaia."

Channeler:  Suzan Caroll Ph.D
27 February 2012 

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