fredag 24. februar 2012

Wake up Call: Horus, Feb 24, 12

"I am here to tell you a bit today about the situation in your world that involves the tyranny that has been exploited in the system of transportation. There has been an overabundance of elevated ideas about what is to take place in the transportation system and how it will transform in the new world that is coming. There are many ideas about what will take place and how the autos, trains, buses, airplanes, etc, will be transitioned into a new method of movement. Will we see this in the very near future and if so, how will it be brought forward? Will it make the present day vehicles obsolete and if so how will we be able to afford the difference that will affect our lives?
These are all questions that will be answered with a very simple realization. When all of this comes forth there will be in place the means by which to be able to bring them into your lives and the ability to power them with your minds. There are already many vehicles that have been secluded by the present system, and as that system falls away and is no more on planet earth, then the new means of transport will be revealed. This will bring about another shift in the economy and in the atmosphere surrounding earth.

All of the vehicles will be powered with cleanliness. As I’ve said the mind will be used to empower as well as the energy system that is here for your use. You will find that within this energy system is the ability to convert thought and intent into fuel for movement. With this ability will come many new means of living and building on the planet. There will be homes, businesses, and communities all over the planet that will be powered by the ability you have to create anything you desire."

Welcome to our Wake up Call 
Thank you dear Horus and Hatonn,
Love Nancy Tate

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