fredag 17. februar 2012

SaLuSa & Mike - 17 - February - 2012

"With sufficient faith there is nothing that you cannot do, and you have yet to understand how powerful you are. You are creating all of the time whether you realise it or not. Through many lives it is you who have created all that you experience now and you are probably surprised at how it is. Remember that you have not often exercised those powers to stop the march of the dark Ones. Whilst it is true their actions have been very devious, there has been little resistance to their aims. However, just of recent times you have begun to understand what has been going on around you. Without necessarily realising what you were achieving by focussing on a different outcome, you have created an energy for change that has grown immensely and opened up a powerful time line to Ascension. Now you see more clearly what you need to do to bring this cycle to a successful conclusion.
Look around you Dear Ones, and see the signs that are there for all to see, as out of the seeming chaos the new beginnings are becoming apparent. You are correctly hearing of a world plan by many countries to topple the Illuminati, and present the world with a new system that creates a new deal where financial matters are concerned. It will remove the illegal structure and methods that have placed you in a debt ridden society that is in danger of collapsing. Having reached this point, if offers the very opportunity that can be taken to implement it. It will remove the burden that so many of you carry, and the hardships it is causing. More importantly it will enable wealth to be re-distributed, much of which has been acquired by criminal actions. You have been deliberately kept poor as a way of keeping you under control. Likewise you have also been kept ignorant of your status and history, which is why you are to be fully informed of your past and reason for being on Earth."

SaLuSa  17-February-2012
Thank you SaLuSa,  Mike Quinsey  

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