søndag 12. februar 2012

Montague & Veronica Keen 12 February 2012

"Veronica, my dear, the time has come when those who are awake and aware of all that is happening in your world must stand together and do whatever is necessary to reclaim your world. Those with missions to complete will be given signs to indicate when it is time to step forward. This is your opportunity to rescue your fellow man from the slaughter that the Cabal is demanding to satisfy their lust for blood — though, of course, not their own blood — that, they protect above all else. Only those they see as lesser mortals are required to spill their blood to satisfy the cabal’s lust for total control of your world.

They become more demented each day as they demand more and more wars. They foolishly believe it will buy them time to find another way to take control of your world and all who live in it.

They are having to learn that gold alone cannot buy them what they want. The blackmail they use to buy and control politicians is beginning to fail also. They use fear and mind control to control the masses; but this, too, is beginning to fail. Because of this, they are exposing themselves and their true intentions. They are quite prepared to destroy masses of their own people to satisfy their craving for total control."   forts.

Montague Keen – 12 February 2012
As channeled through Veronica Keen

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