tirsdag 7. februar 2012

Wake up Call Horus - Feb 07 12

"When I come to you this day and bring you the news that you have been asking for, I do so with the thought that it is about time. You have been seeing what it is to wait for things to happen and to be in remission for the coming times. Now you see that it is time to demand what it is that you wish to hear about. I am going to fill you in on a few matters that are taking place around the planet.

First I will tell you that in the inner earth there is a movement to come forth and be recognized. When the timing is right for that, it will take place, and not before. As you all know it is all about timing and what comes about because of it. I use the word and idea about timing in a way that is evolving to a point where it will be far from what it means now, for the timing will be in the moment and that is all there will be. The rest will be recognized as experience and creation of the moment.

Secondly there is to be a final resolution of the financial crisis in the coming events that are already taking place and will lead to what will come of it. These events involve the clearing away of the debris of the factors that governed the financial world. That includes not only the organizations and businesses that have controlled the financial world, but also the people who have set it all up and followed it to the ninth. With this coming clearing out will emerge the new way of manifestation, beginning with the secondary means of gaining anything that you desire. 

Once that is in place and you are able to see what is involved with the harmonic ways in which you can all live with the monies that will be distributed, then you too will eventually find a means by which money is not the prevalent way of exchange. That will open you up to the means by which you will create in the moment that which you once did. In other words you will remember yet another part of who you truly are and what you are capable of."  forts. 

Welcome to our Wake up Call

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