Den menneskelige bevissthet var bare rundt 700 år gammel da den ble oversvømmet av Anunnaki og hans tanker. Siden den gang har vi levd i slaveriet Anunnaki innførte for jordboerne. Han hadde sett seg ut Jorda som den ideelle planet å bosette seg på. Nå er denne planen i smuldremodus, og vi forstår etter hvert vårt eget beste. Noen besynderlige utgaver fra den invaderende gruppa klamrer seg fortsatt fast i sine jordiske posisjoner, men de har blitt 'merket' og vil bli fjernet ganske raskt i løpet av dette året. Vi skal igjen heve bevisstheten til Lemurianivå, en prosess som allerede har begynt.
"Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
You possess the technology and the Divine Will that can rapidly alter the very appearance of your realm. These grand tasks will be yours once the yoke of the dark has been lifted from your Beingness! These are things we will do together, making it a wonderful new time for us all!
3 Oc, 3 Zac, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return! On this day dedicated to love and romance on your world, much continues to happen behind the scenes. The secret sacred societies of East and West have come together to set up a plan to replace the major governments of your planet. As you know, the most critical change is the de facto US regime. This illegal corporation has run America officially since the end of the US civil war, its prime purpose being to establish the major banking families and their close allies in positions of unassailable power. Every President since Lincoln has had to bow down to these wrongdoers and their unilateral agenda to subordinate US domestic and foreign policy to their every whim. This hijacking of American democracy was backed up by massive corruption, bribery, and the occasional timely murder. This shameless criminality is now to come to an end and is the primary raison d'être of the caretaker governments' radical transformations. The shadowy puppet-masters are to be arrested and publicly hauled off to jail and their subsequent trials will reveal the true extent of their perfidious agenda for humanity."
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