søndag 12. februar 2012

Store endringer ...

Det er sannelig bra at det blir store endringer snart slik at det også innvirker på vibrasjonene, så det endrer hverdagen for oss som ikke har hatt surstoff nok på aldri så lenge.  Endres frekvensene til tusener skulle det monne på de tette energiene som snart kveler alt liv som vibrerer høyere enn 3d.  Denne surstoffløse tilstanden var ikke iøynefallende for år tilbake.  Hvordan bøte på det når surstoffet ikke er å finne i luften noe sted?   Det er en lidelse som er ganske overveldende, men som også skal utforskes og bør ikke kveles med en surstoffmaske.  På samme tid skal kroppen også tilpasses en strøm av kjærlighet som også er utfordrende på sitt vis.  Det er ikke lett, men det går forhåpentligvis bra.

"In the spiritual realms we are observing with joy the rapid progress that humanity is now making in its spiritual evolution as the moment for its awakening approaches.  In the illusion the majority of wonderful events that are occurring across the world are not widely reported, and much is done to discount the importance of the few that do make it into the news and to discredit those who report them.

But do not fear – the tide will not be turned!  Major changes to the way society is organized on Planet Earth are happening right now, and the enormous benefits that this will bring to all mankind are long overdue and will not be prevented.  Many loving souls have been working gently and discretely for a long time to help bring this part of God’s plan for humanity to fruition, and that moment is nigh.

Love is the power, the energy, and the lubricant that enables the creative endeavors of life to flow easily and smoothly as God intends.  Humanity is finally beginning to understand this wondrous Truth.  However, to very many of you this does not seem to be the case as you observe those self-serving ones who have taken power and authority unto themselves enriching themselves, while the vast majority of humanity struggles to maintain even a subsistence level of existence."

Se mer ...  Johnsmallman's Blog
Saul:  "Major changes to the way society is organized are happening right now."   Channeled by John Smallman  -  February 12, 2012

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