onsdag 15. februar 2012

Message from the Ashtar Command & Greg Giles 02 15 12

"East contact. We wish you to know that we of your Star Family speak to you now and wish to share some thoughts with those who read your words. There have been some feelings expressed as of late by those who are beginning to question certain channels of information and we would like to make it clear to our channel that he has a solid and clear communication today.

Today we would like to discuss your ascension timelines and what we feel must be done before you experience the culmination of this event. Many paths have already been cleared and we wish you to know the remainder of these paths will be cleared in the days ahead, leaving no stone left unturned and nothing in your way that will impede your safe and successful ascension into the higher realms of this universe. This is one of our tasks here at this time with you and we wish you to know that we are soundly experienced at our jobs. We will never let any harm come to you, and take all safety precautions at all times. We have the power and capabilities to protect each and every one of you and we, of course, do so at all times unless your experience must be permitted to occur according to one's prearranged incarnate blue print. This is an area where we cannot overstep our bounds, but each of you clearly understood this before your current incarnation."

Discussions concerning all matters of humanity's ascension into a higher dimensional existence culminating in 2012.
Ascension Earth 2012  -  Wednesday, February 15, 2012

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