onsdag 22. februar 2012

SaLuSa & Mike 22-February-2012

"You the people have achieved the seemingly impossible, by reversing the fortunes of the Illuminati. You have done so by focusing upon the Light, and bringing into being a great grid of Light that now surrounds the Earth. No longer do they have the negative energies to feed upon, that have enabled them to come close to taking over the world. Wherever the lower vibrations exist, they are being transmuted and taking away their ability to superimpose their will upon yours. You have spoken out loud and demanded beneficial changes that are now taking place, and so shall they continue until those of the Light take complete charge. Although the cleansing has only just begun, you are to be congratulated for your unyielding support, and you will soon see some tangible evidence of your success.
Each one of you has spent many lifetimes working towards this final year in the cycle of duality. There are some that are best forgotten, yet they have been part of the plan for your return to the Light. At all times God has been present and God's assurance of the power of the Light to overcome the dark, has carried you through the darkest period in Humanity's history. It may have felt at times that God had deserted you, but that was because you lost contact with the Source. Separation was as a real experience, yet at no time could you ever be truly separated. You and God are One, and you and all other life are One, and it cannot be otherwise. As you lift upwards so you become more of the Light, and with Ascension will shed the heaviness of the physical body. To be free is quite an exhilarating experience, and you will be literally re-born."

Thank you SaLuSa  -  Mike Quinsey

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