tirsdag 21. februar 2012

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 21 February 2012

4 Kan, 17 Zac, 8 Manik

"Selamat Jarin! We return! Much continues to happen. We are monitoring the final negotiations between the secret sacred societies and the world’s military. An alliance is being formed which is the precursor to a series of arrests that will bring down many major dark-controlled governments. This operation is scheduled to start once basic agreements are in place and needless to say, the dark cabal is working diligently to prevent this from happening. Our liaisons have stepped in and are encouraging the chosen militaries and their leaders to complete these vital discussions as quickly and seamlessly as possible. We have also sent in this fleet’s military advisors to explain several alternative scenarios that we would rather not be compelled to use. The first response of these military leaders to our suggestions is that these alternatives sound ‘interesting’ and hence have a good chance of being chosen to oust the cabal-led governments from power. Thus, we are now exploring the best way to use one of our many options with these military leaders.

Our technologies place a wide choice of procedures at our disposal. What is needed is to be able to override any given military force in the event that it is used against us to prevent government change. All we require is a gentleman’s agreement that the leaders of these chosen militaries will not respond with any major action against what we have in mind. This is what we are discussing at length with many of these leaders. The result so far is the beginnings of a system of responses which are to happen once we institute our plan to extract the ‘bought’ political leaders from power. The military is agreeing to accept only certain individuals to be ministers and secretaries in the caretaker governments and these posts have to do with military and veteran affairs. The result of this complex agreement will be a number of transitional governments. Once this pact is firmly in place we intend to begin the process of arrests that will take down these many cabal-directed regimes."

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 21 February 2012

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