mandag 20. februar 2012

Montague & Veronica Keen - February 19. 2012

"My dear Veronica, as I told you this week, the Sword of Truth is cutting through all the corruption and exposing it. You received a copy of David Icke's new book, REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. This book covers everything you need to know, to help you to see and understand the prison you are living in and the methods used to keep you in this hypnotic prison that you had accepted as your lot in life. It is good to see many breaking free of it, finding their voice to say "NO MORE! We will no longer tolerate your domination." The people of Europe will lead the way in this, quite soon. It will spread world wide. There is total support for this on this side of life, plus your extended family from other planets. 

We watched your excitement, last evening, as the Andromedan spaceship responded to you. It completed some interesting manoeuvres to greet you. They will physically visit soon. They watch over your planet. They are doing much to restore balance. They need you to understand and accept that you need to learn how to re-establish and use your own power and energy. We look forward to Earth's reunion with her fellow planets and your Universe being restored. 

There is a need to learn about SACRED GEOMETRY and to understand how important it will become in the Age of Aquarius that you are now entering. Crystals are important also. They will become more energised. You need to reconnect with nature. Walk in the woods: trees are a great source of energy. Walking barefoot in nature, helps to ground you. Consciously see the roots going down from your feet, deep into the Earth. Feel the Earth's energy returning up through your body to the top of your head to reconnect with the Divine Energy. It is important at this time to remove all fear. Everything to do with fear holds you back. Let it go. See it as an old black cloak that became part of your life. Discard it — it is time to prepare for your new life. All that is dark and evil is being dismantled and will be removed." 

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation 

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