onsdag 8. februar 2012

Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

As your saying goes, "THE GOOD TIMES ARE ABOUT TO BEGIN!"

"We are sacred vehicles of the Creator! Let us in unity employ our immense capacity for Love and Light to bring out the beauty that lies within us. It is a time for prosperity and universal harmony to shine! A time for each to contribute our unique talents and insights. Let this magnificent energy illuminate this final lap of our journey back to full consciousness. Let us show Heaven what we are capable of!

9 Akbal, 16 Yax, 8 Manik


We return! We come to tell you that Earth's secret sacred societies are very close to success. Both the Eastern and Western branches of these societies recently signed off on a number of documents confirming that the dark no longer has any input regarding the running of the world's finances. A good many minor details remain outstanding and are currently being resolved. This means that the dark is no longer an insuperable impediment to change, and the Light, fully in the ascendant, now dictates what will happen in your world. We watch as the various secret sacred societies consult with the appropriate Ascended Masters regarding the timing of your next steps to full consciousness. Your current reality is to be wiped away in accordance with the divine decrees issued by Heaven, and this inevitability has forced the dark finally to see that its resistance is pointless. Nevertheless, each individual is still imbued with a form of madness which longs for an imposed, external object of veneration. It is time for each to understand that a new way of relating and functioning within this reality is needed.

The Light has issued an agenda decreed years ago by Gaia's Spiritual Hierarchy. These decrees emphasize the need to redefine the relationship between surface humanity and Gaia's ecosystems. This radical reevaluation of humanity's approach to Mother Nature will begin once the new governments are in place. Thousands of inventions are to be released which will eradicate land, water, and air pollution, and solve the energy crises forged over the past century by the dark's greed and mindless exploitation of your environment. You will also be privy to facts about your history that are likely to anger you. We ask that you detail your new governments to hand out just sentencing to the former dark minions, as your upcoming task is to take your prosperity and new technologies and turn your world into something truly magnificent that will bring a happy smile to Mother Earth! As your saying goes, the good times are about to begin! This includes a full disclosure of first contact and of the benevolent nature of this fleet."   forts.

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