lørdag 4. februar 2012

Reisen til stjernene

Som jeg forstår, så har Steve noen sjelekvaler på grunn av denne 'reisen' til det fjerne.  Men en reise kan tas på flere måter, og det mest vanlige for Lysarbeidere er indre reiser.  Så hvorfor la det stå eller falle med om denne 'avsløringen' lykkes etter 3d-formatet, det er å legge en for stram ramme rundt hele prosjektet (reisen skapes i reisefølgets tanker!).  Kanskje amerikanere må ta i betraktning at de har et særdeles gjenstridig ego å hanskes med (skyldes all indoktrineringen de har levd under), derfor blir det vanskelig å forstå at vi er hologrammer og fungerer som hologrammer.  Det er ikke som det fysiske å hoppe på et fly på en eller annen flyplass - det er fra 3d sin lærebok. Det ytre er og blir en illusjon.  Michael sier det relativt klart her:  "Our invitation stands, but it is up to you whether you who are participating in thought, emotion and action are able to transcend the idea of separation and fear. Whether you, as a group consciousness, bear the clarity and determination of unity and love in which we desire to unite. And this exactly is the main purpose of our meeting. This uniting force which we must all share in our hearts so that we can stand face to face."

"Dear Ones, I AM AA Michael,

Today everybody watches Steve Beckow and “the voyage to the stars” he is organizing which is supposed to commence on Saturday this week.
Well, there are many options still open, and it has to be seen whether they will happen or not.
It all depends not on us who have proposed our meeting and invited you, but it depends entirely on you all who are participating in what ever way you have your attention on this event.
Everybody is adding with their thought and emotional energy to it, and also with their energy of physical action.
All of this creates a new pattern and depending on this pattern as a whole, we will carry out this project or not.
It is not Steve alone who is responsible, this is a thoroughly wrong perception he has, because everything is, as all happenings are on your world (and in other worlds), always a group process. Everybody involved therefore is responsible for the outcome. Whether they participate directly or they are observing from far."   forts.

Message from AA Michael: Humanity’s Voyage to the Stars  03 02 2012
Message conveyed by Ute

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