onsdag 23. mai 2012

What is God

What is God
23 May 2012  -   Channeler:   Marshall Vian Summers

'Krigen' rundt dette Gude-spørsmålet har brennemerket mange menneskesinn.  Enn om vi kunne forstått på et tidligere tidspunkt ... ?  Men, det er en mening med alt - den fraværende forståelsen ga oss god anledning til å utvikle oss og nærme oss vår egen visdomskilde - sakte, men sikkert.  Et sinnrikt spill ... !

"IN THE GREATER COMMUNITY, GOD IS KNOWLEDGE. In the Greater Community, God is experience. In the Greater Community, God is the communication of profound insight and recognition from one to another, permeating all manifest life. This comes into being in the realm of your experience.

God seems like different things to different people and to different races of beings in the Greater Community, but the essential experience that ignites the desire for God, the awareness of God and the relationship with God is the same everywhere. This religious impulse, the impulse towards union with God, is universal. Though it seems remarkably absent in some cultures and aberrantly expressed in others, the impulse is the same. What God is must be expressed in terms of your range of experience and your capacity for experience. In the Greater Community, God is so total and complete that any definition would always falter and fail.

Therefore, let us say that God is the experience of total relationship. You can experience this for a moment here and there and for longer periods should you prepare in The Way of Knowledge. This is an experience which can both be translated from one world to another and shared and demonstrated from one being to another, bypassing and transcending all divergences of race, culture, temperament and environment. This is God. God for you is God in action. God for you is an experience that is unlike any other experience in life, yet this experience gives meaning to all of your other experiences.

In the Greater Community, God is complete. In your world, God is a God of your world, a God of your race, a God of your history, a God of your temperament, a God of your fears and aspirations, a God of your great heroes, a God of of any your great tragedies, a God that is related to your tribe and your time. But in the Greater Community, God is so much greater, so complete—beyond the definitions of any race, beyond the history of any race, beyond the temperament, fears and aspirations of any race, beyond the grasp of any individual or collective philosophy. And yet, you find God in a pure impulse, in a timeless moment of recognition, in the desire to act beyond the sphere of your own personal interests and motives, in the recognition of another, in the motive to give, in the inexplicable experience of affinity. These are translatable. This is God in action. For you, this is God."     forts.

Les også :   "The New God"  -   23 May 2012

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