søndag 27. mai 2012

Archangel Michael’s Realm | May 27 2012

Et stort overblikk ...

"During the month of August 2011 and in the context of the planets dancing with the Earth, Venus plays an important role. The Sun and Mercury met in the Leo.
What Happened On The Cosmical Level?

For several months, my human consciousness has been focalized on the alignment of my physical presence – living in the Californian Desert, my Divine Presence, the Mont Saint Michel, the Constellation of Draco and Lyra.

Following is a summary of the major events that took place on the Mont Saint Michel (We use this name in French for the Saint Michael Mount located in France) during the last decade. The Earth has completed a number of initiation steps that explain and are congruent to the end of a cycle. These events will allow mankind as a group to reach faster a higher vibratory level. Also an easier individual achievement of these initiations will occur, as the Earth magnetic field now holds the memories and codes of these experiences and vibrations. Until recent years, these initiations [Or doorways towards more refined and higher vibratory planes and worlds] were only accessible to a few, more advanced people, dedicated to working on their spiritual growth."                      forts.

AA Michael Message to Mankind: The Adam Kadmon Rasies his Heart
28 May 2012   Archangel Michael’s Realm | May 27 2012

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