søndag 6. mai 2012

Du tror det ikke før du får se det

When you see what has been hidden from you for so long, your spirits will rise
6 May 2012   Channeler:   John Smallman

For hver dag som går ser vi stadig bedre hvordan vi har tilslørt veldig mye urettferdighet i samfunnet, rett og slett ved å holde oss slavisk til et språk og en talemåte som er smidd i 3d-ånd.  Det er riktigere enn vi vil vedgå, at vi ikke "tror det før vi får se det."

"The oneness of humanity is becoming ever more apparent to you as your scientific research continues to produce incontrovertible evidence to support this. All are connected, and whatever one does, says, or thinks affects all. At present, with so many differing opinions and beliefs scattered across the world, disagreement and conflict is endemic because of the confusing tangle of messages that are widely broadcast as a result of these differences. As increasing numbers of you work to change your attitudes and release your prejudices you open your hearts to the divine energy field in which you are all immersed, thus allowing the fog of confusion in which you have lived for so long to start dispersing.

The dispersal of this fog of confusion is occurring on a vast scale across the planet at this time, and the rate of dispersal is accelerating. People are becoming ever more aware of the inaccuracy of the mainstream media reporting of events across the planet, while the true situation is almost instantly reported for all to see on the internet by people on the spot observing it. The truth is becoming ever harder to disguise, and those who would do this are being brought to account for their misrepresentations and deceits."

Du finner resten her:  Channelings | Lightworkers.org

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