tirsdag 29. mai 2012

An Hour with an Angel, May 28, 2012, with Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael on Bill Brockbrader and Disagreement Among Lightworkers

2012 MAY 29

"Archangel Michael returns this week to discuss Bill Brockbrader’s case and the current disagreements among lightworkers. He looks at the contributions of lightworkers who rely on channeled information, versus lightworkers who rely on insider and whistleblower testimony, and reviews what channeled sources say will be happening in the near future.  Jesus joins us briefly to discuss the importance of forgiveness as we head into the mass arrests.

An Hour with an Angel, May 28, 2012, with Archangel Michael

Geoffrey West: Greetings and blessings to all. Welcome again to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow, founder of the 2012 Scenario. I’m Geoffrey West sitting in for Graham Dewyea.

Tonight’s principal guest will be Archangel Michael. The microphone is yours Steve, so I hand things over to you.

Steve Beckow: Thank you, Geoff. And we have a slightly different program today, a new departure. We’re going to be talking with Archangel Michael in a bit about some disagreements that have arisen with lightworkers, but before we do that, Linda, I think you would like to say some initial remarks, and read a passage to us that’s relevant to all this, please?

Linda Dillon: Yes, I would Steve, and thanks. And thank you, Geoff as well, and thank you, everybody who’s listening. I just wanted to, because today seems like a very momentous program, and I guess we have these landmark points in time where we regroup and re-examine where we are, I wanted to give a little background about what I do and what I’m sure all the really clear and good channels do in terms of preparing for a program like this."

The [Occupy] 2012 Scenario

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