fredag 25. mai 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/25/12

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/25/12

Channeler:  Greg Giles

The Mystery of the Bermudian/Atlantean Hotel

"Our mystery begins deep below the coral bedrock of the area of your world known as the Bermuda Triangle, beneath the crystal clear waves where a deep underground, sprawling hotel has been created by those of your world who have taken their money that they spend on such luxuries from your pockets. This hotel that has been a secret up until now is 50 stories in height and it is 30 stories in breadth. It is massive as far as hotels are concerned in your world. It was designed and it was built by those of your world with great minds and quite expanded vision. This hotel, a playground for the rich, the famous and the successful was built from taxpayer money and secret black projects that have embedded great amounts of wealth within the pockets of those who today garner the title of world controllers and operators.

They do not have an open door policy or a welcome mat in front of their sunken entrance way. Instead, only those whom they consider ‘A list’ clients are permitted to grace this spectacular hotel’s hallways, dining areas, tennis courts, beautiful gardens and luxurious staterooms. All other trespassers are taken into custody and their silence is promised through intimidation, incarceration, and even through the last resort of death.

We tell you this today at the risk of stretched credibility for our channel, because we want you to know that there are many great secrets that have been kept from you and there are many great secrets that will now be revealed to you. What we are attempting to accomplish is the expansion of your consciousness to better avail you to new information, concepts and ideas that today so many of you limit yourself to being beyond the veil of possibility. There is really no limit to what is possible, and there has been virtually no limit to what is possible here in your world for many eons of time."   forts.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Ascension Earth 2012

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