søndag 16. februar 2014

Hvilket år er vi er inne i - hva kan vi forvente skjer - og hvorfor ... svarene står og småtripper av iver etter ...

... å bli oppdaget av øyner som forstår og tanker som beveger seg i forståelsens skattkammer - ikke i ring, men på oversiktens premisser og med positive byggesteiner spredt rundt omkring ...

Hva trenger vi, vi som såkalt er 'våknet' å vite om 2014, i tillegg til det vi allerede vet? Fra de 'over oss' sies det, at 2014 vil være et av de mest aktive - og hektiske - år på Jorda noensinne! Det blir store endringer i systemene på Jorda - det mest betydningsfulle år av alle.   Endringene strekker seg i hovedsak over områder som vi vet et samfunn består av, så som  systemer, mønstrene i systemene, været, styrkeforholdet blant innbyggerne og ikke minst økonomien - hvordan fordeler pengene seg i dette samfunnet.  Kanskje lurt å forberede seg på en berg- og dalbane-opplevelse!

2014 blir et utypisk år, sier Adamus, og  kaller 2014 for "Year of Tough Love!"   Det blir en god del større globale utfordringer, enn det vi allerede ha hatt.  Kort sagt, det blir noen dramatiske endringer på de fleste plan.  Kanskje det som forbauser de fleste, er at dette blir "... året vi kan oppleve den store nedgangen ..."  i det amerikanske imperiet.   Det blir også en midlertidig forskyvning av makt til Kina og en synlig framvekst av en 5d verden av Grace."   En fullstendig omkalfatring på de fleste plan rundt oss, og på planeten.

Vi vil ha tilgang på mer energi enn vi noen gang har hatt, noe som lover svært godt. Problemer vil ikke få noen forståelse, enn si fotfeste, men må hurtigst forsvinne om de skulle dukke opp.  Dette er noe av det vi har i vente.  Vi spenner sikkerhetsbeltene og lar det stå til ...

What do you need to know about 2014 as an awakening human? Plenty. Everything we’re feeling and getting from the angelic entities says it will be one of the most earth-active and fast-paced years ever. 2014 will be a year of significant changes in systems, patterns, weather, powers and finances.

2014 will be far from a typical year. Adamus Saint-Germain calls it the “Year of Tough Love.” Don’t expect it to be easier than the past few years; in fact, it will be a year of even more global challenges and upsets. A series of events, ranging from dramatic weather to political and financial upheavals, will bring swift changes to the planet. Jim Self notes that 2014 is likely to be “The year you experience the great decline of the American Empire, a temporary shift of power to China and the visible rise of a 5th Dimension world of Grace.”

Fasten your seat belts and get ready to rock because, in spite of the global challenges, it will also the “the best of times” for awakening humans, according to Adamus. There will be more energy available to you on a real and practical level than ever before. You’ll be able to quickly clear out lingering issues, bring in new levels of clarity, and manifest your choices with more ease and grace. You’ve already gone through the tough stuff these past years and now 2014 can be your time of realization.

ProGnost 2014 is a two-day in-person and online venue for looking into the energy dynamics of 2014 and beyond in order to understand the appropriateness of the changes that will be affecting the planet. It will also give you tools to help maintain an abundant balance in your life, facilitate your embodied enlightenment, and have the discernment to know the difference between distractions and opportunities.

Jim Self  provides real, solid, up-to-date information and practical, workable tools that will enable us to keep pace with and comfortably navigate the transition humanity is currently in the midst of. Jim is a leading spiritual author and teacher. He is Founder of Mastering Alchemy (www.masteringalchemy.com) and widely regarded as a “teacher’s teacher. Jim has had the ability since childhood to recall his experiences within the sleep state. This awareness has expanded into relationships with the archangels, ascended masters and teachers of light who regularly reveal to Jim simple, startling truths about the Shift.

Geoffrey Hoppe is an author, channeler and teacher. He and his wife Linda founded the Crimson Circle in 1999 and have been traveling the world ever since, bringing message of transformation and enlightenment to thousands of humans. Through the messages of Adamus Saint-Germain, he works with humans who have chosen embodied enlightenment in this lifetime.  Linda Benyo Hoppe is an author and teacher. She travels extensively with Geoff, and oversees the Crimson Circle events as well as the network of 400 certified Crimson Circle teachers.

Dr. Douglas Davies is a neurologist in private practice in Los Angeles California. He attended UCLA where he graduated Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biochemistry. He attended Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, then did his internship at the LA County-USC Medical Center. Dr. Doug is a proficient intuitive astrologer, and has explored alternative medicine practices and techniques throughout his entire career. He will talk about the astrological influences for the planet and humans in 2014.

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