torsdag 7. august 2014


Vi lever i forskjellige tidslinjer (av energi).  Vi kan gå ( automatisk ) inn i den tidslinjen som passer oss best avhengig av det behovet vi har til enhver tid.  Det er bare å stille spørsmålet du har - eks.:  Hvorfor ... osv. ?  

"Energetically speaking this year we have the opportunity to hop into different timelines in our lives.  If, for example, you are not in a good marriage, job, relationship, housing situation, ask yourself "why am I still married, in this job, in this house?" etc., and don't try to receive answers.  Just ask the question without judgment, or trying to get an answer. 

That way, your higher self, your broader self, your environment, will give you permission to see and hear what you would not normally do. This will free you to wider and more nurturing possibilities.  Remember, a better timeline is but a second away. A second when you KNOW that your life has changed."


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