onsdag 20. mars 2013

The pace of change in attitude across the world is gathering momentum

"The pace of change in attitude across the world is gathering momentum
03/20/2013 by John Smallman"

"Humanity is on a roll!  Yes, you really are.  The pace of change in attitudes and behaviors all across the world is gathering momentum as the newly engaged-with energies that were released to you in December 2012 strengthen your collective intent to awaken and eternally enjoy Reality — your normal fully conscious and fully enlightened state.

In that wondrous state, Love is the engine, the creative energy, the divine power grid that maintains, supports, and makes possible all that exists.  It is totally clean, infinitely abundant, fulfilling, and available, and from It all of creation receives everything it could ever need or conceive of to maintain infinite quantities of live, loving, intelligent consciousness, creating further abundance in perfect beauty and harmony, eternally.

The most practical form of allegory I can use to give you some tiny comprehension of Love is to compare It to electricity.  Electricity flows easily and powerfully in many strengths and intensities to bring to life many systems, appliances, and convenience items that you nowadays consider absolutely essential to maintain an acceptable standard of living.  However, unlike Love, the downsides of mere electricity are numerous: it can burn or kill you if incorrectly handled; it can destroy the item it is driving; it uses up vast quantities of non-renewable energy sources in its manufacture, which pollute your environment in their harvesting and burning; and of course without it, modern life, as you have become accustomed to living it, comes to a standstill.  Your situation without it is not comfortable, but you would most definitely survive – and remember, many billions still live successfully without it.

However, without Love – an absolute and utter impossibility – there is nothing!"

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