onsdag 20. mars 2013


Chapter One

"This is based on an authentic, true story of a widow who went up against one of the top ten law firms in the country and lost… she lost her husband who was her best-friend since the age of five. He was a true man in every sense of the word. As she buried him amongst all the despicable, un-Godly greed that was all around her from those whom were suppose to care, assuming it was just in her own world, little did she know there were military intelligence types watching, and following her preparing to place her into a secret United States of America Weapons of War testing to torture her into a slow-death.

The Dismantling and Destruction of a Widow who’s Still this Little Girl Inside: How does America Sponsor State-Terrorism on Women, Men and Children in the U.S. from the Air and Ground with Directed Energy Weapons under the Guise of Terrorism when it is them, right in front of Neighbors without some not knowing those planes that fly by every 2 minutes are shooting weapons in at a woman in her home, yard and car? Than others ‘know’ of this under the guise of Neighborhood Watch?

And using Satellites by sick psychological Operating Maniacs in Unmarked Planes shooting Ionized Microwaves, Less-than-Lethal scalar using invisible pulse beam weapons, and using EML towers and unknown other War Weapons reportedly as State-Sponsored ‘Gang Stalking’ which is Homeland Security, your own U.S. Military, and Corporate Modern-Day Posses? Their using Active Denial Systems (ADS) military-grade with Frequencies (all Lethal and destructive to a human-being) pointed directly at this little girl’s (now an adult) brain, ears, body. How can they do this to her? It’s the sickest, cruelest, most inhumane actions done so that no one else knows but the victim and done so by rogue, despicable sub-human who are not what American use to stand for, nor anything near."    forts.

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