søndag 29. april 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/28/12

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Sett erfaringen på museum når den har tjent deg.  Bruk den riktig.  Trekk ut alt det du kan fra tidligere erfaring - som nå igjen manifesterer seg, men ikke synk ned i den - for så å bli der! Mye har du allerede ryddet opp i - det kan bare passere.  

"This has truly been a worldwide effort, where beings from many different countries have come together in an effort to bring to your world a better way. We of the Galactic commands have done our part as well to assist those of you who wish to see changes in your world, to make it a better place for all of you to experience the physical realm. All along your journey you have benefited greatly from the assistance of your universal families and friends. Never were you left on your own, and never were you forgotten or denied any assistance that you may have needed.

We have always assured that you would receive the benefits from our assistance, although it has been necessary for us to conceal our helping hand to better allow you to reap the rewards of going it on your own. This has always been a very delicate operation where we needed to conceal our craft from your eyes and needed to camouflage our part in many of your affairs. We feel we have done an adequate job in this sense, and up until very recent times we feel very few of you were even aware of our presence and still more of you were unaware that we took part in so many events and directions that your society has taken. 

What we would now like to do is take an even more active role in your affairs, and we would like to do this openly and we would like to do this with your full knowledge and cooperation, as the time for secrecy is quickly fading into your past. We would like to discuss with you each and everything that we would like to accomplish here in your world with you before these tasks are undertaken. This is what we will do, as we are now better able to communicate with many of you through our channels and even directly with some of you through means of telepathy. In the days ahead, we see even greater numbers of you being able to communicate in this manner, and we also see a day when we will be able to speak with large numbers of you openly and directly without any need for telepathic communication."

fredag 27. april 2012

Fra Kryon - til dig

Kryon kanaliseres nå, også fra Danmark.  Dette er interessant, da Kryon nå er mer spesifikk og nyskapende i undervisningen.  Kanskje forstår vi ikke hvor 'stor' Kryon er, det må være en altomfattende energi - veldig gammel.  Nettopp av denne grunn er det så bra at han er kommet nærmere denne delen av verden også - denne energien må spres i likhet med Kryon's allsidige lære og formuleringer.  Kryon kommer også med splitter nye ord - ord for en ny Tid.  Den aller første meldingen lover godt - jeg ser fram til neste med stor interesse.


Kanaliseringer sommeren 2011.
Fra Kryon - til dig
I kærlighed

Jeg ved intet om Kryon, andet end det jeg har fået at vide.

Jeg ved at der findes bøger og materiale, men det har aldrig været noget jeg har følt mig tiltrukket af.

Sådan var det ..... til efteråret 2010, hvor et særligt "udviklingsarbejde" med en speciel ven (Tak til N.S) foranledigede, at Kryon kom og "underholdt" mig en hel lang lang lang nat.

Jeg fik vist en masse om projektioner - emnet var langt større end jeg havde gjort mig klart, og det var tydeligt for mig, at jeg har meget at lære om alt muligt. Dette var en belæring af en "kær lærer" en "vidunderlig forælder" og en "god ven" på samme tid.

Alle de billeder og scenarier jeg fik vist den nat var lynhurtige og skiftende og jeg kunne slet ikke følge med. Mest af alt kunne jeg blot få en fornemmelse af, hvor lille jeg er som menneske, og at universet jo er meget meget stort. Dagen efter var jeg drænet, svimmel, rundtosset, forvirret ... men også glad over at være blevet beriget med en lille del af noget forståelse, hvoraf jeg forstår, at der er langt mere at hente.

Kryon viste sig tydeligt, men det var klart for mig, at måden at fremstå på kun var til glæde for mig, og for mennesker. Han (eller energien) ser ikke sådan ud overhovedet :)

Han beskrev visse detajler senere mht udseende osv. og disse vil jeg beskrive senere.

Kryon var meget insisterende og jeg forstod at det jeg havde oplevet på visse måder skulle "på tryk" og ud til andre - men jeg havde meget dårlig tid. Jeg fortalte, at jeg gerne ville stå til rådighed, men ikke havde tidsmæssige ressourcer til at gøre det før sommerferien 2011. En aftale var indgået.  Løbende fik jeg opdateringer, billeder, informationer.

I sommerferien 2011 satte jeg dagligt tid af til at modtage det, som Kryon ønskede at formidle til mig, og til alle der er interesseret. Arbejdet med at ordne disse tekster er jeg i gang med, og de vil komme på siden her og ud på  http://www.spiritweb.dk/  også, således at de er tilgængelige for alle.

Arbejdet var meget meget skønt og selvom Kryon var insisterende og belærende så var der også meget meget kærlighed til stede. En sjov blanding, synes jeg.

Jeg havde efter ferien en skitse med Kryon , men vidste også, at det ikke var nok.  Jeg gik længe og overvejede at kontakte Peter og Birgitte Fich, for at høre, om de kunne hjælpe mig.

I efteråret 2011 kontaktede Birgitte Fich mig på Facebook, og spurgte "Skal vi mon noget sammen ". Kontakten var taget og vi mødtes i Januar og igen i marts og kommunikerede via Facebook og email og 23.03.2012 står jeg så med det færdige billede.

Det har været en smuk og dejlig proces og jeg er rørt over Fich'ernes tilstedeværen,  indleven, nysgerrighed og glæde.

Nedenfor kan du læse Birgitte og Peters tekst om processen, og Kryons starttekst, som skal være den første der lanceres i forbindelse med billederne og de tekster der vil komme.

Jeg håber du vil glæde dig sammen med mig.

Kærlig hilsen

Kryons lys kommer ud gennem 12 "huller" i hans hoved. Beskrivelse omkring dette, og betydningen af det vil fremkomme senere.

Se mer:   Kanaliseringer


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/26/12

We are the Galactic Federation of Light
As channeled through Greg Giles

Mennesket er et sammensatt vesen fra uendelig mange stjernesystemer.  Tenk for et vell av muligheter vi har ved å utforske alt som ligger gjemt der inne.  Mange ønsker å dra på den reisen via andre da de skyr sitt eget selskap, men det blir slett ikke det samme.  Les denne interessante beretningen fra galakterne og Greg Giles, og ikke glem at det ytre er illusjon - og det indre er også illusjon forsåvidt som det ikke eksisterer her. 

"One day we would like to furnish you with a list of all the worlds and the races of beings that are here in cooperation with you at this time. There are a multitude of different worlds here assisting you and watching over you, and we would like for you to have a better understanding of who these are and who you are. You are a mix of many different star races and star worlds throughout this universe. You are not just one people in the sense that you come from one place in the universe. You are one race, the human race, but your genes are a special mix of many races who have formed an alliance to better handle universal political issues and sovereignties throughout the many different star systems that possess intelligent life.  

It has been this way for many eons, where different beings from different parts of the universe have come together in peaceful cooperation to better themselves and the lives of others. This is the case here at this time on your planet, as many different races, worlds and star systems have combined their talents and their genes to create a race of beings who are a true representation of this great alliance of intelligent species. Each one of you is a cherished product of this great endeavor. Each one of you is loved, cared for and protected, as each one of you are a member of our family.  

Try to see yourselves as the pride of many star parents and allow this to allow you to better understand our mission and why we are here with you at this time. As we have maintained all along and will soon have the opportunity to prove to you, we are not here for selfish reasons or to manipulate you or use you or your planet for any selfish reasons. We are here as your family and as our family, we love and respect you and only act for your better welfare in every way."

søndag 22. april 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/21/12

We are the Galactic Federation of Light

Channeler:  Greg Giles

"You've been interested, now let's step more into the role you will be playing in these future events. You will be learning new skills and you will be applying what you have learned over many consecutive incarnations, and you will apply these skills where needed and in areas that can benefit from your expertise and your leadership abilities. All along your journey you have learned important skills that were deemed important enough to base much of your incarnate lessons upon. Your skills were being developed purposefully for the time period that you now find yourself before. Taking the skills that you have learned and applying them to the tasks at hand today is something that you will have to take upon yourself to do.

We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are not going to come down to you and lead you to the task that you are better suited for and explain to you what it is to do. This is all for a reason and a higher purpose, and it is up to you to discover what it is you do well. It is up to you to find how you can apply these skills and assist your fellow man in their time of ascension. We understand that many of you at this time are experiencing confusion and doubt as to what it is you can be doing, and we ask you what is it that you want to do. What is it that you can do? What is it that you do well? In what areas can you make a difference? In what areas do you feel attraction to? These questions are what will lead you to the answers that you seek. We will help you find these answers, this is what we will do, but we will not give you these answers, this is what we will not do."
De sender oss denne meldingen for å fortelle at det er hjelp å få - bare klargjør hva ditt behov er, så er de på pletten med assistanse på linje med avtalen som er inngått.   

De sier blant annet:  "Help us help you and we will do all that we can to assist you to accomplish the tasks and reach the goals that you set out for yourself before you entered the physical realms as a newborn child. Help us see more clearly what it is you wish to accomplish, and we will do all that we can to guide you along this path. Sometimes it is difficult for us to understand clearly what it is you wish for and what it is you wish to do. You can more clearly communicate with us than you think, and we tell you today that we are listening and we will hear you and we want for you to make your wishes known to us. You have our word that we will do all that we can to guide you along any path that you choose as long as we understand clearly where it is you wish to be. If it is here with us within the higher realms, then we will do all within our power to guide you along the path that will lead you to this destination."

Jeg anbefaler deg å lese denne meldingen i refleksjon og med innlevelse - her står det mye nyttig, både på og mellom linjene.  Vi er inne i en tid hvor det merkeligste (pluss minus!) kommer opp for å bli erfart og forstått (vi er allerede der vi skal være), men vi må bare erfare det vi tidligere opplevde uten at vi forsto hva vi opplevde.  Nå skal det integreres og i denne fasen kan litt av hvert dukke opp.  Noe kan være til glede, men noe kan også forskrekke.  Ta det med godt mot, du kommer ikke unna.

Les mer:  Ascension Earth 2012: April 2012