onsdag 6. juni 2012

Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Nå vil noen tenke at dette stemmer ikke med det jeg skrev vedrørende Blossoms kanalisering.  Glem ikke at all kanalisering formidles i symbolspråk!

"Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
These are indeed blessed and exciting times for this reality! You are about to embark on an adventure that will liberate you from your cruel worldly masters and give you the Heaven-sent opportunity to be restored to the divine consciousness that was so callously snatched from you 13 millennia ago.

Artist Nyako Nakar
9 Ahau, 13 Pax, 8 Manik

Selamat Balik! We return! A great deal is happening! What now remains to be done is some internal paperwork resulting from several important legal issues that are close to being resolved. What is essential is that our Earth allies complete these tasks and obtain the final legal judgments as this is what is temporarily slowing down the recent thrust toward the changes that we all long for. The dark cabal has been using our legal schedules to convoke a number of 'conferences' to once more examine your many global crises for ways to perpetrate more of their skullduggery. Our defense forces have been put on alert and are monitoring your global flash points to ensure that nothing serious erupts. On another front, we have been busy with last-minute discussions between the personnel of your new governments and our liaison teams. It is vital that a good rapport be maintained between us as the first announcements will be accompanied by a flurry of vital activity which must proceed rapidly and with no unforeseen hitches. We will make sure of this, which is why we have teams working closely with your new governments.

Our fleet is assigned to watch Gaia and to ask her Spiritual Hierarchy about what is needed, from moment to moment, to keep her relatively stable, because the ongoing rape of her resources destabilizes the interdependence of her many systems. The continuous attack on the planet by your multinational corporations disturbs the uneasy balance we have established, which is why we constantly need to rectify the new damage. This situation will persist until the world's governments are forced to change the laws allowing this depredation to continue. On another front, we have put the dark cabal on notice that the sites of their trials have been changed, and they will be advised of the new sites shortly after the mass arrests are complete. We have discovered that a particular group is planning to disrupt these court proceedings, and so these individuals will be detained before the hearings get underway. Those who support the would-be disruptors seem to think that such unwarranted activities are somehow going to save them, but this is not the case."

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