onsdag 20. juni 2012

Message from the Ashtar Command 6/20/12 '2012: Opportunity Through Challenge’

Message from the Ashtar Command 6/20/12 '2012: Opportunity Through Challenge’
We are your Family of Light from the stars. 
As channeled through Greg Giles

Vi har noen 'spennende' tider rett forut - ikke sikkert spenningen vil bli av den sorten som umiddelbart oppleves som positiv.  Det er bare å huske at det er tanken som skaper, og da er det fint at så mange som mulig tenker på hvordan de vil det skal være - framfor å nitenke på hvordan det er i øyeblikket.  Det er ikke nødvendig for alle å merke hva som skjer heller.

"There will be more proof provided to you that we are working with you at this time and as we move ahead together. It is at this time that we would like to explain further to you what our mission entails. Our mission entails a collaboration with you, our brothers and sisters of your planet, who we feel can benefit from our assistance in many ways and in some areas that we see as vitally important to the health and the welfare of your planet and your people. There will come a day in your near future where your planet will experience events that can be described as somewhat tumultuous, events that will present challenges for your people to overcome.  

You may wish not to view this as a pure act of nature, of accident, but instead choose to view this as an event that is being presented to you in order for you as individuals and as a collective to find the resolve within you to overcome this obstacle placed before you by the hands of divinity that love you and wish for you to seek out and discover your higher selves, higher good and higher purpose. Do you see this through different eyes now? Do you see that what will present itself to you is not an unfortunate act of an uncontrollable nature, but an event carefully designed and orchestrated for your greater good? This is how we would prefer you to view the days up ahead that you will experience, but we will leave it up to you to choose for yourselves how you wish to see and how you wish to experience these days.  

We, your higher dimensional friends and family from the Ashtar Command, speak to you at this time in love and in service to our Creator of this glorious universe. We do not speak to you at this time for our own purposes, only to serve our Creator and to serve you, our brothers and sisters. What we receive from all of this is to discover for ourselves just what we are made of and what we are capable of accomplishing when we together set out to achieve certain goals and certain results through the manifestation of our creative thoughts and creative efforts. This is what lies at the heart of this entire enterprise and why we are all here at this time on this small planet far from the central sun of this galaxy which is far from the central sun of this universe."    forts.

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