mandag 25. juni 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/25/12 ‘Television’s Dark Agenda’

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/25/12 ‘Television’s Dark Agenda’
 25 June 2012  -  Channeler:  Greg Giles

"What is excitement and what is relaxation? What we would like to discuss with you today, dear ones, are your choices to engage yourselves in either activities and leisure that will lead to feelings of excitement, raised blood pressure, a raised pulse rate and raised awareness of your bodily senses, or will you seek refuse in activities and leisure that will allow your body to rest , to heal and to remain quiet and calm while you soak in energies that are so vital to you for healing, for growth and for the strengthening of your physical vessel which includes the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of yourself as well as the physical compounds of your vessel.
We see so many of you running here to there, hustling and bustling, trying to make the most out of and squeeze the most out of every moment of your every day, and we suggest to you that these patterns are not conducive to what will bring out for you your higher good and your healthier bodies. We suggest to you to instead seek more quiet time, seek more periods of rest and relaxation where your bodies can remove themselves from constant stimuli and better heal themselves and rebuild themselves, better strengthening themselves for the next steps on your journey. This is what we like to see more of. We would like to see more of you reading books rather than watching television, as television and its constant bombardment of visual and sonic stimuli leads to a diffusion of your energy and leaves tattered holes all throughout your being, through each layer that is your combined vessel.
Seeking shelter from this storm that you call television is something that we of the higher realms sincerely recommend, as there are serious and hazardous effects accruing in you from watching this device that plays upon addictions and sometimes mind control techniques to get you to remain watching it. This tool of the cabal's has been carefully honed by very devious and very intelligent and cunning minds to keep you sitting in front of it while it is used to control your thought patterns, your habits, your tendencies, and feeds you input of what they, the dark ones, wish you to believe, believe you need, you fear, and is your reality. We wish for you, dear ones, to muster the strength and the determination to get up and walk over and turn this destructive device off. If you could find a way to get this task done you would be doing yourself such a tremendous favor that in many ways is unclear to you at this time, but you can be assured that we will share what we know about this device and the techniques employed through it by the dark ones once we get better acquainted in the days ahead."

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