søndag 10. juni 2012

"Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . !

Dette nyhetsbrevet / artikkelen inneholder sammendrag av utviklingen vi har vært igjennom og deler av den som vi går igjennom før alt er over.  Jeg vil dele den med mine lesere fordi dette er nyttige oversikter for oss alle.   Det blir understreket at skiftet ikke kun er noe som skjer på planeten Jorda, og ikke bare i galaksen, men i hele universet.    Tukáte

"Greetings from Galactic Heart  . . . !
This article from our Star Elders through Aluna Joy is long but well worth the read. She goes over all the energy waves for 2012 even the ones we have already experienced.

We are often asked if everyone on the planet will ascend. Our answer is always the same: If you are on the planet at ascension time, you will ascend. As the Star Elders eloquently remind us:

Remember that this is a universal shift and recalibration .... not just a planetary one. We are shifting with you, as well as Ascended Masters and Angelic Realms. We are all transforming together as ONE in unity.

....In the path of this total solar eclipse, your dimension will begin an entire reboot of its operating system on your Earth....a new operation system will be created and uploaded into your body as well as your world, solar system and universe. Remember that this is a universal shift and recalibration . . . not just a planetary one.

This consciousness shift is all inclusive. We are shifting from a reality based on duality to a reality based on Love, Unity ~~ ONENESS.
Selamat Ja! 

The Star Elders from Aluna Joy 2012 
Sedona AZ — February 29 (leap year), 2012

“It is becoming clear now, regarding the energies of this year of 2012, that we have the critical point on our evolution. We all have been waiting for this time. This is our time. As old souls, incarnated and still ones un-manifested in this physical reality, we come at these precarious junction points, at the end/beginning of ages, because we absolutely love it.
Now you . . . that are already in physical form, you are having to deal with your rapidly morphing DNA and beyond that, adjust to the actual laws of nature that are changing right under your feet. You will feel like the carpet has been ripped out from under your feet. But remember . . . this is your time, and you came here for this time. SO MANY have come to experience this rapid evolution and rebooting of an entire system. Your body IS going with you. This has been the plan for eons. Atlantis was only a dress rehearsal, and we know that it didn’t go so well. But you have all learned and grown through this age, and this time . . . is your time. We can see from NO TIME, and we can see that you have completed the job. You are victorious, and you are celebrating in the most extraordinary style. Hold this dream of victory as you pass through this year with all of its tidal waves of energy that are coming.
There is no doubt that your body will feel rocked and surprised by this year’s energies. But your heart and inner truths are unshakable now. Rely on this inner truth when your body is telling you differently. No one will be immune to this process. There are going to be a lot of mixed signals in the outer world. Don’t listen to them.

There will be medical experts out there telling you to drug yourself with anti-anxiety and anti-depressants meds. This won’t help you as you are going to reboot anyway. Fighting the process will only make it less joyful. There will be well meaning alternative healers as well who will tell you to eat this, or do that. Again don’t listen to them unless your heart is in full resonance with their suggestions. Everyone has a unique past that comes from your spiritual ancestors. We are not talking about your genetics; like who your parents or grandparents are. We are talking about your spiritual past. This is an akashic past that is much more potent than that of your genetic past. Listen to your heart, your core, your inner constant. This is your orientation point in a world that is wobbling like an out of control gyroscope. Fighting the transformation at this point will only make it harder and less joyful. There is no escape. If you are in a body, you will re-boot and re-celebrate. Remember . . . this is great fun for your spirit and soul. This is why you came here.

In these coming waves, you are going to feel out of sorts and your body is going to give you weird issues that seem to come and go. You might feel like you need to hunker down and lay low for these shifts and changes; but we do not suggest this, although it is your free will to do whatever you want. Let us explain . . . You know when you sit in a chair too long, you get stiff. This is what will happen if you don’t KEEP MOVING while these waves wash over you. You will not find the answers you need while hiding in your home praying for solutions. The world is moving into a unified field of collective manifesting. You cannot do this by yourself. Pieces of your solution to this transformation are out in the world with other like-minded souls. All the pieces to this transformation are spread out among all of you. This is why you need like-minded ones around you. These waves are too large to surf alone. You must do this together."   forts.

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