lørdag 30. juni 2012


FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012

Merk også hva som skrives fra besøket ved Sheldan Nidle's Webinar.

"Our dearest Ascending Ones,
We are over-lighting you now. In fact, we are just above and in front of you sending three beams of Light into your form.

The first beam enters into your Crown is the Beam of Wisdom.
The second beam enters into your Third Eye is the Beam of Power.
The third beam enters into your High Heart is the Beam of Love.
Feel how your body is merging with these Beams of light.

We are here today to take you on a journey to New Earth. Yes, New Earth is already formed for it is beyond time. However, to you who are still bound by time, it is in the process of being formed. It is important that you remain in the NOW, as that state of mind calibrates your consciousness to the log in frequency for New Earth.

You, our Ascending Ones who came to assist Gaia during the fall of Atlantis, have had many incarnations on Her form and wish to experience the crowning competition of Planetary Ascension. However, the transition of your body of third dimensional resonance can be quite uncomfortable. Therefore, we take you beyond time and into the NOW of your visit to New Earth. With your three beams of Wisdom, Power and Love, you can calibrate your consciousness to the frequency of that reality. 

Allow your sensation of form to melt away from you, as you also maintain connection with your eyes to read this document. It is only the escalation of your consciousness that takes “time,” as your journey will be outside of time. Focus on the three Light Portals for your Crown, Third Eye and your High Heart.

Instantly, you appear at an invisible threshold. This threshold is invisible because it is not on New Earth, but in your mind. Your mind must totally relax to embrace the impossible. Of course, what was impossible on third dimensional Earth is normal on fifth dimensional Earth. Calibrate your thinking to receive novel experiences, and open your consciousness to multidimensional thinking. Remember that you have done this type of travel many times in your higher expressions of SELF.

Do you feel how you are allowing us to fill your mind? Now, with your Third Eye calibrated to perceive the fifth dimension, observe how this reality has a higher resonance of color. Likewise, all edges are blurred by their expanding and contracting aura. It is via these fluctuations of your aura that you choose your reality. When you expand your aura you say, “Yes, I want to experience this.” On the other hand, when you contract your aura you say, “No think you. I do not desire this experience.”"

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