fredag 22. juni 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/22/12 ‘Time for Your New Shoes’

We are the Galactic Federation of Light, and we are shining our light bright for you to follow.       As channeled through Greg Giles

"This is why I give my bowl to you. I offer my bowl to you in love and in service to our Creator, the Creator of everything that we enjoy and that we use to allow us to grow ever stronger, wiser and more learned as we continue our journey through this magnificent universe that our Creator has designed, created and offered us to allow us to experience ourselves and discover who it is we truly are. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, who are your friends and who are your family from many years past, have now come here to rejoin you and to offer our assistance to help you on your journey which is now reaching the point where you will experience some of your greatest challenges and tests to your strength, to your determination, to your resolve, to your spirit.  

You do not have to accept our help. You are perfectly free to decline, as no one is forcing anything upon you. You enjoy the luxury of the right of free will and choice in this universe and we would never ask you to relinquish this privilege. We come here in the offering of gifts, of knowledge, of experience, as what you are about to face as one community are challenges that we have faced before and we, through our combined efforts together, have found ways to clear these obstacles from our path. What we offer you are tools in the form of technological advancements that you do not yet possess here in your world. We offer you leadership if it is leadership that you feel will assist you to better ease your way through these transitions up ahead that may be rough and may be difficult for you. We offer you training in fields that we feel will be of value to your people in the days ahead, and we offer you our guidance and wisdom to better inform you of just what it is you will be facing so there will be no surprises for you.  

We have been issuing you notice for some time now, a little at a time, allowing you to gain better insight into what is ahead for you. Whether you have chosen to read or listen to our messages and to believe what we have been sharing with you is a matter of personal choice, and we respect and honor the choices you are making. We say to you we will continue to offer our understandings of what it is you as a people will face in the days ahead, and if you wish to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to our offerings we say to you that you are well within your rights and we will allow you to ignore our offers of guidance. For those of you who read our messages and do resonate with them and believe they are indeed messages being offered to you from higher dimensional beings, we say to you we will continue to offer our guidance and wisdom to you of the upcoming events that you can use to better prepare yourselves."   forts.

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