lørdag 2. juni 2012

Mahalas Astrology June 2012

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Planet Alert June 2012
By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on May 31st, 2012

Det kan være interessant med et sveip over 3d's generelle horoskop-tolkninger, som her når det står at Saturn fra gammelt av ble tolket som Djevelen.  Det er en typisk 3d-dom over energi som i utgangspunktet er helt nøytral.  Saturn er tung og dyster og dens utslag kan bli svært problematiske for menneskebarna.  Planetstillinger og energi er nok det sikreste kortet i en horoskop-sammenheng og i den sammenhengen kan en nok gjøre seg mange kuriøse vurderinger om en følger 3d sin tankegang - hvilket vi har gjort i evigheter.  Nå endrer vi denne praksisen fordi vi er blitt en god del mer innsiktsfulle, og med det får energien som treffer oss - helt andre utslag.

I går var dagen som bar bud om at en ny energi er på innmarsj.  Denne energien gir seg mange slags utslag når den treffer kroppen - det er bare å ta det med ro og la kroppen motta og å forankre energien - på sitt eget vis.

"Greetings to everyone-hope all is well in your world. With everything that is going on in the world it is definitely time to find peace within. It’s time to stop looking outside yourself for answers and find your Christ within. Christ consciousness was activated with this past solar eclipse, along with our heart chakras. We can now think with our hearts and create peace within us. Have any of you had heart problems in the past month because of this energy?

In my last couple of articles I talked about how the Vatican bank is the top controlling bank in the world. The fact that the president of this bank was fired last week is very big news. The Pope is also in big trouble and will soon resign. The resignation of this Pope is one of the last prophecies to be fulfilled and it is in the process of working out right now. The Catholic Church has controlled people longer than any organization in history. The black pope, the one connected with the Vatican bank, controls everything in the world. He is the one in charge of the Jesuits. There have been more people killed in the name of religion than for any other reason. Isn’t it time for all that violence to stop? For more information check out http://itccs.org/2012/05/04/catholic-church-faces-disruption-and-banishment-as-irish-cardinal-set-to-resign/

We have been in a 25,920 year cycle of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn the controller. It was a cycle of materialism and working for the almighty dollar. Look what we did to Christmas, which is celebrated in the sign of Capricorn. We took the spiritual meaning out of it and it became material. This cycle has now come to an end and we will soon have the freedom of being in the sign of Aquarius. There are cycles within cycles occurring all at once. I have heard there are three cycles coming to an end all around the same time. The largest one being a cycle that started when this Universe was created. On May 20, 2012 this cycle ended and a new one started."

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