tirsdag 16. april 2013


By Ana Jones:  Rev. Ana Jones is an Interfaith Minister and nationally known Holistic Health Practitioner. She is a spiritual luminary, and devoted visionary for healing and transformation. Ana is owner of Questing Spirit, LLC and Director of ‘The Studio’ in Honokaa, HI.  Holistic Principles for Healing Ourselves, Our Communities, and Our World.

"Watching the local and world news can be depressing in this day and age. It can sometimes seem as if we are powerless to change or even affect the current state of our communities and our world. Fear, hate, violence, prejudice, and addictive behaviors appear to be deeply rooted in our modern day societies. We are living in unparalleled times with a war we need to reconcile, global climate change happening before our very eyes, and human populations exploding at alarming rates. I know people who have resigned themselves to the idea that nothing can be done to change or heal any of this. Yet hope prevails with the large number of individuals who are asking themselves “What is Truth and What is Illusion?”

That age old question that drives humankind to grow and become self-aware. Endlessly we search for the answers—-the whole truth and nothing but the truth! Yet, when the search of self-evident truth leads us down paths that are diverse and paradoxical (as findings in quantum physics and other sciences are now doing) we begin to fear that there is no singular “isolated” truth. Even with acceptance and love for life in our hearts, we must have courage to face the fears we have and to allow the “one” truth to emerge from the many diverse paths intricately interwoven within the web of life here on Earth. It is entirely possible and much more probable that the whole truth can be found simultaneously with the whole of creation as “oneness in diversity.

This may at first seem impossible or even seem to threaten our individuality, but this is not the case. It is my personal belief that the illusion is our fear based reality of separateness and segregation. The strongest of all our desires is true love and pure joy. It is for the fulfillment of these desires that hundreds of thousands of people are discovering and committing to the belief that we can heal ourselves, our communities, and our world by honoring our differences and focusing on our wholeness. 

The time is here, people are waking up to see the interconnection of all life upon this planet. This is not a new perception of our global reality, instead it is a reintegration of the understandings that all of our ancestors had of ONE PEOPLE and ONE PLANET, that all existent within creation are the individualized parts and parcels of one whole. The term HOLISM or commonly referred to as Holistic is a term to describe this perception of reality, acknowledging that in truth everything is interconnected. Body, mind, heart, and soul are interconnected. Individuals are explicitly interconnected with their communities, communities intricately interconnected with our global communities and so on. Those who accept and choose to embrace the oneness, unity and diversity, are holistic or wholists. Holistically oriented  people of all faiths and all kinds of professional backgrounds are acting to heal and balance themselves and their communities. Becoming a part of such an effort can be a very empowering experience. 

It has been a long time vision of mine that all people will find the strength in their diversity to unite together...working together to raise consciousness, enhance awareness, and restore peace, respect, and honor to our relationships with each other and the Earth. Today millions share a similar vision that serves as a driving force behind actions that are being taken to create pathways and places for holistic healing and transformation to take place. People are uniting forces to holistically educate and provide the resources needed for diverse elements to be shared in peaceful cooperation.

The Studio ~ A Center for Holistic is proud to be a part of this rapidly growing "global network." Located on the Hamakua Coast of the Big Island in downtown Honokaa, HI, The Studio is a community gathering place for Holistic Arts. Arts that benefit body, mind, and spirit. Arts that help to heal and bring life into balance for individuals and communities, friends and neighbors, young and old. Holistic Arts include every art form, new and old, that bring greater wholeness into our lives. From Expressive and Movement Arts such as Hula and Modern Dance, to Creative Arts, Healing Arts, Intuitive Arts, and Interfaith Spiritual Arts and Practices The Studio is a place of unity and diversity.

E Komo Mai! All are welcome to participate in existing holistic programs, services, and events or to share in using the center in providing your own to our community."

by Ana Jones     Articles

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