onsdag 10. april 2013

Montague Keen - 7 April, 2013

"So many of you are feeling burdened and confused by emotions. Complete exhaustion descends without warning, with waves of heat spreading throughout the body and so much more. These symptoms are all part of the transition. Your bodies are adjusting to the new energies that are flowing in. Though some of these experiences are disturbing, just go with them. Know that the end result is what you have been waiting for. The blockages that were used to keep you under control, and compliant, are being removed. This cannot be done quickly. It would be too much for you to cope with. Know that these disturbances lead to freedom, peace and love, as well as the removal of the Dark Forces.

Everything is going according to plan. The timing is right for these changes to take place. My dear, the exhaustion that descends on you, out of the blue at a moment's notice, is scary. It just needs you to rest and adjust. The Dark Cabal is using your weather, and everything else at their disposal, to cause financial problems, health problems, and fear, in a last, desperate attempt to hold on to control. Their trump card is banking, of course. They use this to destroy whole countries. Look at the hierarchy of the banking system. It is those at the top of the pyramid who call the shots. Are they part of the human race? This is a question that must be asked; because if they are, then they could not do what they are doing. They have no regard for the human race. It is time that humanity woke up to the fact that it outnumbers the cabal. People must stop serving this cabal, because by doing so, they assist in the destruction of the human race.

Stand up and be counted. Be the powerful beings that (deep down in your hearts) you know that you are. Be vigilant and check carefully what food you eat and the water you drink; and importantly, what medication you take. Take responsibility and do not just accept what you are told. Study the so-called side effects. There is no such thing as side effects; however, there are EFFECTS. It is your precious life that is at stake. You have been blinded by so much propaganda for so long that you have become like zombies, just accepting all that you are being told by those whose only wish is to hasten your demise. It is all part of the cabal's plan to create the world they want. This does not include the majority of you. This is why I implore you to take control. Wake up to the real facts of life on your planet. Trust me, it is not as you were told. You have never been given the truth about anything. Look with clear eyes at those who keep you in darkness and servitude."  forts.

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