fredag 19. april 2013

How could you possibly be unworthy of the substance of your being?

April 19, 2013 by John Smallman
Hello this is John with Jesus’ message for Friday April 19th 2013.

Since early April I have felt blocked and tired, and so channeling just has not happened.  In order to give you a picture of what I have been experiencing I have printed up my complete communication with Jesus from April 12th through the 18th just as it occurred, because I thought some of you might find it of interest.  Jesus’ main message starts after the line across the page.  John.

Jesus Channeled Friday April 12th 2013 

Me:  Good afternoon, dear Jesus.  Thanks for your last message.  Can we start a new one to post tomorrow night, please?  Today seems to be another “blah” day for me.  I have an acceptance of life as I am experiencing it, but no enthusiasm for it. Anyhow, if you are happy to do so, please dictate.

J:  Good afternoon, John.  You know that I am always happy to offer you a message which you can share on the blog.

You are not alone in experiencing the blahs.  Everyone is adjusting to the new energies surrounding you which are unfamiliar and tiring.  As you adjust this will change and you will feel far more energized, peaceful, and content.  Hang in there, you are all doing great work for which you are divinely honored, and the rewards for your efforts are getting very close to being revealed to you.  Pray, meditate, and persist, knowing that your Father is taking care of you in every moment, and that joy is to overwhelm you.

Me:  Thanks, but I don’t feel motivated by life, nor do I feel any enthusiasm, just the blahs, as I said above.  Anyway please dictate an uplifting and inspiring message for me to share. (close, 1.20pm through Thursday April 18 11.11am) Well, either I didn’t or couldn’t listen or hear you.  I am sorry, can you please start over, and help me to relax and hear.  My failure to make contact with you or Saul over the last week or so has depressed me as has my lack of enthusiasm to do so!

J:  Good morning John.

How could you possibly be unworthy of the substance of your being?

There is no such thing as “failure.”  It is just another aspect of the illusion that you use to beat yourself up – or others!  Just let it go, like all other forms of judgment which serve only to distract you from being yourself — namely Love.

That is what you are; you have just forgotten and have come to believe that you need to receive It, when in fact you always have It in abundance.  If you do not experience It, that is because you have chosen to judge yourselves as being without It, in need of It, and by making that judgment you have effectively chosen to block It out, believing yourselves unworthy of It.  And so you seek It, frequently in ways that cannot possibly help you to find It.  Forts.

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