torsdag 11. april 2013

Sheldan Nidle - April 9, 2013

6 Muluk, 17 Mac, 9 Eb

"Dratzo! We come again with more to tell you. Your reality is extremely close to its major shift in consciousness. The secret sacred societies of your world have entered into new alliances which are to serve them well once your new style of governance comes into being. We have assurances from several governmental organizations that once Heaven gives the green light the new reality can begin without further delay. We continue to monitor the dark cabal as it is clear that this group remains determined to pursue its willful and destructive course of starting a widespread military conflict. This will not be permitted. We also continue to add names to the detention lists and watch closely those who are the guiding hand behind the ongoing nonsense of keeping your globe burdened with contrived, groundless confrontations. This global modus operandi will shortly become a thing of the past and your ascension path will cease to be interfered with or sidetracked, as it has been in recent years. Your new epoch is inevitable and our formal arrival will shortly be announced. To this end we have drawn up a rapid-action schedule for our arrival so as to be ready at a moment's notice.

The new epoch will be characterized by more than just the removal of the dark's life-crushing agendas, for you are to be presented with a cornucopia of new information and truth. Those who have worked hard to establish the global segue into your new epoch have already liberated you from the reign of the US Federal Reserve. This illegal 'bank' is now bankrupt, and is seen to be operating only because its new caretakers do not yet wish to impose the reality of the situation upon the general public. They intend to maintain this illusion of 'stability' only up until the formal changes are allowed to happen. And so we monitor this ruse, knowing that an entirely new financial and monetary system is in place and awaiting the magic moment when Heaven gives us the official go-ahead. Until then we remain in our holding pattern. All we can say at the moment is that we are in a holding pattern until Heaven formally decrees that this age of spiritual darkness is over."   forts.

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