mandag 29. april 2013

The Deep Inner Tsunami and the Field of Change! - Lisa Gawlas

Lisa Gawlas gir til beste en oppramsing av sine opplevelser de siste dagene, som er meget interessant sett i det alternative perspektivet.  Det er ikke til tro hvor fort bevisstheten endres og blir høyere - følg ditt vanlige reaksjonsmønster og merk forskjellen.  Den nye tida er så absolutt over oss!  For egen del synes jeg det er lettere å produsere ved å 'ha mange baller i lufta' samtidig nå, slik har det alldeles ikke vært tidligere i denne overgangstida. Ikke bare 'noe' har skjedd, men mye! Den hosten LG snakker om, tror jeg mange må merke, den opptrer over alt og ikke bare i USA! 

"What an interesting 3 day ride thru this full moon eclipse cycle!  For me, it started the day before the full moon… the pull inward.  I suppose, really, spirit gave me a warning shot in meditation the day before that (tuesday) but, I really assumed (my bad!) they were showing me the solar eclipse energy.  Let me back up…

My day of readings on Tuesday showed two of the four beautiful souls I was reading for was already body deep in the eclipse energies.  One made of the familiar blue, violet and black energy that I relate to earth workers and this first lunar eclipse and the next one was a young man sporting the yellow and white energy I relate to a sun/soul worker and the solar eclipse.

It is funny how we can see what is happening and not really see what is happening at all, if I did really “get it” I wouldn’t have been so surprised that what my meditation showed me had nothing to do with our perception of “time.”

I really wanted to know “where” I was in all this eclipse energy… what phase am I in and what does it look like for me.  Instantly, I was shown.  It was as if some giant fingers picked me up by the scrap of my lower neck and raised me high up in the air.  I was dripping in yellow and white energy, by that, I was not surprised at all.  Then these fingers released me and I went free falling straight downwards and under the earth just a bit to that place that houses the two rollers that remind me of the old wringers on the washing machines.  I even got to watch myself come out the other side, flatter than a pancake.

Thru the several readings I have seen this very similar image with others, the one thing I could not get was, what happens after the flattening?  Well… I was shown.  As I was hanging there, suspended way above earth looking like a flat, yellow and white cut out paper doll or something, and energy started to emitted out of an area I will just call the upper atmosphere.  It wasn’t way up in the sky,but  just barely above where my odd looking head was located in my imagery field.  It was an energy I had never seen nor felt before.  I suppose, from todays perspective, it was a new form of an electrical current that was equally magnetism with both silver and gold energy, a combination of earth and sun energy that was now one current of energy/vibration.  As I watched this interesting energy start to flow into my pancake shaped body…. that ended my meditation."    forts.

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