onsdag 5. september 2012

We at The Tree of the Golden Light Continue to Celebrate it's 10th Anniversary, in Santa Fe NM! Gifts of Spirit working For All of Us.

We at The Tree of the Golden Light Continue to Celebrate it's 10th Anniversary, in Santa Fe NM!   Gifts of Spirit working For All of Us.

Blessings to you all!  Thank you dear Hatonn.  Love, Nancy, Bob and Toshiro.
"Spirit is working at a swift and sure pace with us. Bob, Toshiro and I got word today that the wonderful gift of an RV is waiting for us to go and claim it. So we will be on the road to OR in the next couple days to pick it up. From there it will be decided how our traveling plans will unfold with Zaraya and Quasar (Billie and Jane), and the beautiful lady/angel who is the one who is gifting all four of us with these RVs.
Hatonn told me yesterday that the RV for us is awaiting our claim. He also told me today that we will be guided every step of the way in this new venture we are on. He said that there will be an intermediary who will be with us for a time, and that then he would go on his way. It is a matter of us being in the right place at the right time and to realize that all is in perfection and all will be as it is destined to be.
for all of you he is now saying that there is coming a time when the walls will come tumbling down for those who have built false walls and treasures that hold no value. It is a time for all of us to send our love and support for a happy and joyful outcome for all of us and to see that as the mess is cleared away so too will the bankruptcy of the world. It will be in total harmony and abundance, for all will come to the destined plan of self-reliance, and harmony between all. There is no other way to see our world, and no other way to know that it is complete and eternally at peace, with freedom, love and joy for all."   


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