tirsdag 18. september 2012

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2012 MOTHERSHIP PART II Mytre and Arcturians

Setter av og til inn en liten 'skipshistorie' fra Mytres ferd i Rommet. Vi befinner oss snart ansikt til ansikt med våre romvenner, så det kan være brukbart å skaffe seg noen kunnskaper på forhånd.  Det er også lurt å trene litt på det flerdimensjonale, utvide bevisstheten, det gjør alt så mye morsommere, kjent og kjært. Ikke glem at det er på vårt eget bevissthetsplan vi opererer, da blir alt så mye mer ufarlig.  

MOTHERSHIP PART II Mytre and Arcturians

"The Arcturians did not want to interfere with your personal perception of their Mothership. Thus, they have asked me to share my experience. The experiences that I have shared so far were not on the Mothership. It was only after I had completed my training that I was taken to the Mothership.

However, at the Arcturians request, we are diverting from my storyline for a moment to visit their Mothership. I will tell of my perceptions of the Mothership, knowing that your own perceptions are just as valid as mine. Since the Arcturian Mothership is multidimensional, there are myriad levels of the Ship.

Each dimensional layer can only be perceived by those who have calibrated their consciousness to that frequency of that reality. If you have not yet remembered how to calibrate your consciousness to a certain dimension, then that area of the Ship will merely be invisible. Fortunately, consciously visiting the Mothership greatly expands your consciousness.

By the time I was invited to visit the Mothership I had recovered the memory of many frequencies of my Multidimensional SELF. However, recovering the memory of a reality is not the same as actually experiencing it via that frequency of personal resonance. I will speak of my experiences on the different dimensions of the Mothership.

Third and Fourth Dimensional Sections of the Mothership
There will be no third dimensional perceptions of the Mothership, as it does not exist in that frequency of reality. You may have some perception of the Ship in your fourth dimensional consciousness, but it is actually a memory that has come in through a dream, as the Ship does not exist at that frequency either. I will now go through my dimensional perceptions of the Mothership.

Please remember that these are MY experiences, which may be very different than yours. Our attention is drawn to that which is most important in our lives. Therefore, each of you will likely have different experiences, which will depend on your greatest interests. With that said, I will begin.

Fifth Dimensional Sections of the Mothership
At first, your fifth dimensional perception may be blurry, but as you relax you will calibrate your attention to the fifth-dimensional stimuli. This dimension is the primary visitor area, especially if the visitors are still maintaining a physical form. In this area everyone appears to have a form, but they are not limited to humanoid forms.

If you are nervous about meeting a Being in a form other than humanoid, you will likely only visit the Ship in your dream state where you are accustomed to seeing unique forms of life. On the other hand, since the members of this Ship are all fifth dimensional and beyond, they can easily create a humanoid form if they feel you are frightened by their true encasement."  forts.

Klippene er fra Suzanne Lie's nettside.

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