lørdag 29. september 2012

~ Re-minders from Home ~ The group ~ Steve Rother

From Steve:
What can I say?  Except that after 17 years of channeling the group in a collective voice, I am now experiencing them as what they call a singularity. If my brain ever stopped to think about it I’m sure it would block me.  Nonetheless, the depth of information and love is absolutely undeniable.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I am. 
Many who will be reading these words may not know the accents that I use to channel these beings. The Keeper of Time is a more comfortable with English. Elrah’s enthusiasm and excitement make it difficult for me to focus at times, but I am adjusting. Even as they talk about incarnations it is helpful to re-member that none of the group with the exception of myself have ever been to Earth.  The accents, especially in the case of Elrah, are my closest interpretations of the distinct rhythms that they use to communicate and don’t originate from a geographical location.. 
It is time for a deeper understanding of all the layers.  Here we go.
Have a wonderful month and may you experience life with your eyes wide open.
Big hugs,

Greetings from Home
You have been waiting for this and moving around trying to find the perfect space to perceive what is about to happen. It is getting very exciting for many of you, as some have reached the level where the excitement turns into a little bit of fear because you are not comfortable with where things are at this moment. Here is the only piece that you need to know: every being is moving. Every, single level of vibration is moving to the next level and it is literally moving as an entire bandwidth of vibration, not a single layer but a whole bandwidth of vibration that you would call Earth. All of its creatures and beings are going through this transition right now. Both you and we have used the words raising your vibration, and that is a very accurate description of what takes place. The biggest challenge when we say raising your vibration is that you immediately go into your field of duality, which dictates that one vibration is better than another vibration. That is part of what we wish to speak of, for you are seeing evidence all over your planet right now of exactly what we previously predicted. So, let us bring that to your attention on a few different levels.

Balancing the Wobble  
The Earth has changed her wobble because of the shift in dimension and the shift of vibrational change. The Earth had to enter a new dimension in order to grow and make a space for empowered humans on this planet. As a result she has moved, and because of her movement it has literally caused physical reactions. You have seen these in the form of earthquakes; they have happened in more ways than just earthquakes, but that is the basic idea. You have seen this happen in Chile, off the coasts of Australia and also Japan. Those three earthquakes changed the tilt and the rotational spin of planet Earth. Although it was known that this took place, no one was aware of the long term effects it would have.  You are now experiencing these effects, as the Earth re-balances herself through the re-distribution of water.

A couple of years ago, Russia experienced a severe and unprecedented heat wave. Now you are seeing similar extreme temperatures and those same energies in different parts of the world. You are calling it a drought or heat wave, but it is actually the re-distribution of water through your Earthly systems. Just imagine a big ball spinning perfectly balanced and even, then and all of a sudden you move it to another dimensional level. It will have a tendency to wobble until it finds its perfect spin again. The way that Earth is finding her perfect spin and balance is by re-distributing water on the planet. This will continue for the next 3-5 years then it will gradually start to settle down and anchor in the new Earth. This is actually a healthy process that is moving energies forward. However, this may be challenging for the next several years as the Earth makes this transition herself. Crops will fail and many of the things you rely on will be distributed in different areas around the planet. The Earth is pregnant and that is the beautiful part. She is about to give birth and it is much closer than you ever imagined. Is she giving birth to another Earth? No. She is giving birth to another form of human. Previously, all the humans would have had to leave planet Earth through some sort of cataclysmic event in order to wipe out one vibrational level and start anew. But that is not happening right now. You are the first beings that have ever dared to challenge this and believe that we can consciously move from this level to this level without releasing the physical bodies. Congratulations, dear ones, you are doing it! You are way ahead of the game with this and are working very effectively to achieve it.

Now we will share some of the other changes that you see taking place all over your world. All you have to do is turn on your news to see what is happening. Countries of the world were organized on a vibrational level that would not be able to exist in the new Earth, and that is part of the reason many countries are having difficulties and revolts over old energy. It is very simple: You can choose where you wish to be. Please understand that as you move to the next level, there will still be both high and low vibrations within that next level. You will never all be on the exact same vibrational level, for that would be very exclusive. Here is what we wish to share with you, dear ones. Any organization or collective of humans is liable to have some challenges over the next several years as you go through these changes. They will be adjustment challenges, for many of you have formed your organizations. Whether it is a church, business, or club of some sort, you formed these groups on certain levels of vibration. So as they move to the next level, there will be some adjustments needed. Organizations formed on principles that will not exist on the new Earth will start experiencing challenges. Please do not judge these challenges as being good, bad, high or low vibrations, as that is an effect of duality in your world which you are now moving completely away from. They are simply adjustments the same way you are going through adjustments with your physical body as you are moving through one existence vibrational level to the next.

Repetition and Responsibility
What you are seeing right now, especially in the United States, is the presidential election process, which has turned into something rather unusual. We are not quite sure what it is, but what you will see is duality played out over and over and over again. You have two sides that are arguing against each other. Even if there were a third position, which has not happened but would change the dynamics, many of the old energy techniques and systems have hung on and simply refused to change. Doing the same thing over and over and over again yet expecting different results is what your definition of insanity is. That is what is now taking place on your planet more than you could ever know. You are trying to do the same things repeatedly and expecting the same results, even though you are now in a different vibrational level. Well, there is a responsibility – ahh yes, there is a word that scares many of you – there is a responsibility of being in this level of light. This is similar to the way that you often see varying levels of abundance or money, if you will, on your planet. There are people who have difficulty holding any money, some who are barely comfortable, and then others who have so much abundance that they do not know what to do with or cannot deal with it all. It is not a perfect system, dear ones. Do not ever judge yourselves by how much money you have or how good at making money you are. It is a system simply that can be changed, and here is the interesting piece. If you look at the money aspect and translate that into vibration, you could say that the people who have the most money on this planet almost have a responsibility to somehow help people whether in monetary gifts or through programs that help empower others.  With regards to abundance if you choose your place on the ladder on a lower rung, you can live a very comfortable life. Yes, you will struggle with money at times but will be very comfortable. On the higher rung you may never struggle with money, but you will have responsibilities that you do not have on the lower rungs. Many of you have quietly chosen to be in the middle because it is somewhat comfortable. We are asking you to take the responsibility first and change all of it. Not only will it affect your abundance, but it will help you to move vibrationally and release any restricting conflicts that get in your way as you move to the next level. We are watching you starting to do this in many ways in your organizations, businesses, friendships, and spiritual families. You are starting to spread this out in a very beautiful way."   forts.

The group

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