Jeg, Tukáte, kan underskrive på at nå dukker de forunderligste bilder opp i det som tidligere har vært det gamle kjente og uforanderlige. Lisa Gawlas og Suzanne Lie - henholdsvis; Energy Readings with Lisa og Awakening with Suzanne Lie - er de eneste som forteller om opplevelsene sine på denne måten (så langt meg bekjent). Om de to er de eneste som forstår prinsippet ved det magiske i 'å være menneske', skal være usagt, men interessant er det å følge det spillet de skildrer på hver sine måter.
Det er til og med meget spennende og skaper både forundring og måping det som kommer fram i egen fantasiverden også. Det er stadig noe nytt og interessant å forholde seg til. Den nye Matrix skaper det kreative og fleksible som vi opplever nå. Det er også verdt å merke seg, at steder ikke finnes i virkeligheten. Det snakkes om Pleiadene, Lemuria, Atlantis og mange flere - det er alt sammen nivåer i bevissthet og modenhet!
Alt er i våre tanker og i de bilder tankene bringer oss etter hvert som tankene modnes og 'vokser' inn i fantasifullhet eller kreativitet. Når dette spillet omtales som virkeligheten, så er det fordi ingen virkelighet eksisterer - dette er det nærmeste vi kommer. Dette er virkeligheten!
Opplevelsen av virkelighet er denne, og 'opplevelsen' skiller seg ikke ut på noen måte. Det er slik det er og alltid har vært. Ingen vet om noe annet, vi har bare levd på en illusjon om en virkelighet som fast og sikker, fordi kroppen framsto i 3d fast energi. 'Oppvåkningen' er kun å forstå dette!
"As I sat in the completely darkened holosuite, focusing on the void within my Core, I began to have sensations in my body. At first, my back and legs were stiff from sitting in the same position for an untold period of time. Then, my arms, shoulders and neck hurt, and my face twitched. Eventually, even my eyelashes and hair seemed to hurt.
Finally, the uncomfortable sensations ceased, and I began to experience my body as a flexible cord that was being stretching to its fullest length. At this point, the cord became increasingly warm and began to unravel. I was watching the imagistic language, trying to translate every image.
I believed that the pain and discomfort represented how my Soul felt while limited in the confines of this physical vehicle. Once, I allowed that concept into my mind, my consciousness shifted to the perspective of being above my body.
At the same time that I was above my body, I also felt my form around me. Interestingly, I was having the sensation that I was wearing my body, rather than being in my body. In fact, I wondered if my body was flesh and blood or another creation of the holosuite. I then began to feel as though there was a third version of me who appeared as a cloud emanation who was floating far above me.
There was also a version of me that I could sense, but could not see it. Nonetheless, I heard this me saying to an unseen friend, “I just had a very interesting dream. I was on a vessel in the sky. I was sitting alone in a dark room while this immense Being of light watched over me. I don’t know how I knew I was in a vessel. In fact, I didn’t know what that huge vehicle was or how ended up there.“
Then, a curtain closed across my mind, and I saw my home on the Pleiades. I saw the beautiful green that covered our world. However, our homes were quite different from what I remembered. Each home was of living crystal, which could change shape and size with mere thought. Even though this world was different than mine, I felt very homesick when that image began to fade.
“Wait, I like this vision. I don’t want to leave here.”
“You never leave a reality,” said the Arcturian. “You just change your intention. All programs of reality are infinitely strung together. It is just that you can only take so much before your brain loses focus. It is best to paint your thoughts, so that you will not forget them.”
“Paint my thoughts, “ I began. I wanted to ask more, but when I looked at my body, I was a female from yet another reality. However, I was an artist and was using a small brush on a huge square of white material.”
Unfortunately, I did not stay there either. Instead, my mind wandered around realities like it was shopping at a store. Just as I got used to visiting one reality, I was led to another. My awareness swept though reality after reality, as if I was searching for something, or some one.
I knew that I was creating these experiences, as I could hear the Arcturian reminding me that I was the creator of my life. At first I was a Pleiadian in all my realities, but when I surrendered to this process, I could experience myself as many other races.
I saw realities in which I was Antarian, Sirian, Tau Cetian, Andromedan, Lemurian and Atlantian. There it was. Atlantis was the reality I was searching for. However, that reality was in a time frame far in the future of my Pleiadian life." forts.
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