onsdag 5. september 2012

Message from the Ashtar Command 9/5/12 ‘The Earth Allies Lead Freedom’s Charge’ As channeled through Greg Giles

"Sealing the deal of your new world and all the advancements, projects and gifts that we have spoken about is our, and your, Earth allies, who now are pressing forward and are upholding their word as they gave us their word and pronounced that they would make these arrests of the criminal elements of your cabal. This vow has been kept by them. They have done themselves proud, they have strengthened our confidence in them, they have demonstrated clearly to us now that they are a group of individuals who can be trusted, who can be relied on, who will do what it is they say they will do. Our hats come off to these brave men and women who we salute with honor, for we understand the bravery, the courage, the conviction, the determination, the heart and the soul, the fire and the fortitude that it has taken to step forward and begin to make these changes that will see to an entirely new remodeling and re-sculpting, rebuilding, re-planning and reorganizing of their world.

We realize brothers and sisters that this is no easy task. We understand that much planning had to go into these procedures. We understand that time is much different for you that it is for us. We realize there are only a certain amount of hours in your day as compared to our days that are virtually never-ending, as we do not have sunup and sundown and our physical vessels do not tire as yours do, our physical vessels do not require nourishment as yours do, we do not suffer from fatigue, we do not suffer from excessive heat or excessive cold and we do not suffer at all under any elements of adverse weather.

We see the men and women in your fields as we monitor their movements and watch over them in our offering of protection, and we see the challenges and the hardships that they endure and we only wish that you, their own brothers and sisters can see what our eyes clearly see, and that is that your family members are struggling, they are battling, they are fighting and they are winning your freedom back from those thieves who have stolen it, from those thieves that some of you elected into office, that some of you even support until this very day."   forts.

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