fredag 22. mars 2013

Wake up Call: Hatonn, March 22,13

"Good day dear ones! I am Hatonn, and I am here to tell you that so much is happening within the framework of what will be in place when the mess is cleaning up. There is so much that has been readied and will be set into place when all of the rubble is cleared away and the ones who created it have either seen their folly, or have been taken to their own holographic planet. They don’t even recognize their power of creativity to the utmost, for this holographic planet is of their creation. They are so dependent on keeping their power that they have secured their desire to reign and have separated themselves even further from the rest of humanity.

Yes, that is the power you all have. You are in your knowingness about the love, which has no measure, or limitations. They are in their power of sameness and deeper into it, which is away from the flowing, growing love energy, which knows no boundaries. As they sink deeper into their holes of self-endurance in the duality, they emit their power to keep it the way they have designed. As you flow forward and outward more and more you create in the moment the newness of what you are capable of and what is the forever expression of love of the Oneness of all of Creation."    forts.

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