mandag 18. mars 2013

Sheldan Nidle - March 12, 2013

"Selamat Jarin! We come with more news! At present, certain events in the heavens are in process. These, when completed, will indicate to all concerned that the moment for a grand transformation of your reality has arrived! At this juncture, the Galactic Federation is to oversee the legal transference of your governance to our sacred secret allies. 

We look forward in joy to what will be a special moment for you all. The dark cabal and its seemingly endless and ubiquitous adherents will then be gone. In their wake come a series of announcements and the global delivery of a vast prosperity. It is this prosperity, when combined with a new and equitable monetary and financial system that changes your world forever! 

These changes will enable more-open policies to be enacted which will allow for a formal disclosure of our presence, and it is this that sets the stage for the final leg of your journey back to full consciousness. At this point the Agarthans and our other allies can work with Mother Earth to reunite her surface and inner realms, thus creating the unified world that is to be your true, future reality."

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